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Appcake download location ifile
Add your answer. Suggested Solutions 10 What’s this? You will have to look in search in your phone and search for “received files” If you do not know how to, then look under the menu where all the text options are. In there you should see either received files or a music audio tab that you can click.
This is where you will find the audio file that was sent to you. Was this answer helpful? Yes No. This answer closely relates to:. Hi there, your iOS is not compatible with whatsapp. Whatsapp messenger Compatible with iPhone. Requires iOS 4. This app is optimized for iPhone 5. Anonymous “He means in ifile on a jailbroken device You dummies You just need to navigate into the folder and from the root look for the download folder and you will see it there.
Your idevice needs to be jailbroken for you to sync applications from appcake , otherwise you can just use itunes to sync apps. Was this comment helpful? You need to go to settings, general, devise manegment, then Appcake and then do delete. Search them by connnecting it to the computer and check if it is in hidden files.
No installous wont delete unless you delete it from cydia. Anonymous 0. No answer you asking different questions back. Can you help us by answering one of these related questions? This is NOT abusive.
I pressed this button by accident. It is offensive or harmful. It does not contain enough information. It contains or requests illegal information. It does not make sense. Consumer Electronics. Chemistry Engineering Mathematics Physics. Installed Download. Where is the appcake downloads folder? Iphone wher is the a[pcake downloads folder.
Asked by: Carmen. This site is best viewed while logged in. Top Solutions. Add your answer. Suggested Solutions 10 What’s this? Anonymous “Install it of course then run it Long press and it will give you a list of directories to choose from. Hope this help :.
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Appcake download location ifile.Breaking News
replace.me › questions › where-is-the-documents-folder-sho. Click on iFunbox Classic > “Raw File System” > User > Media > Appcake > Download > Downloaded > Look to your right there’s the Apps you’ve. You just need to navigate into the folder and from the root look for the download folder and you will see it there. source: I downloaded a file in safari on. ipa files and voila I found 13 copies at the following path: var/mobile/Library/Application Support/Containers/replace.mee2/Documents. Download iFile IPA File from below. Download and open Cydia Impactor and drag and drop the IPA file on the app, and wait for it to install.❿