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Landslide vulnerability criteria: a case study from Umbriacentral Italy. Little is known about the vulnerability to landslides, despite landslides causing frequent and читать damage to the population and the built-up environment in many areas of the world.
Lack of information about vulnerability to landslides limits our ability to determine landslide risk. This windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login – windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login provides information on the vulnerability of buildings and roads to landslides in Umbriacentral Italy.
Information on landslides of the slide and slide-earth flow types that have resulted in damage to buildings and roads at 90 sites in Umbria is used to establish dependencies between читать area of the landslide and the vulnerability to landslides. The dependencies obtained are applied in the hills surrounding the town of Collazzone, in central Umbriaan area for which a detailed landslide inventory map is available.
By exploiting the landslide inventory and the established vulnerability curves, the geographical distribution of the vulnerability to landslides is mapped and statistics of the expected damage are calculated. Reliability and limits of the vulnerability thresholds and of the obtained vulnerability assessment are discussed.
A long sequence of earthquakes, eight with magnitudes between 5 and 6, struck the Umbria and Marche regions of central Italy between September 26, and July The earthquake swarm caused severe structural damage, particularly to masonry buildings, and resulted in the loss of twelve lives and about injuries. The source of the events was a single seismogenic structure that consists of several faults with a prevailing northwest-southeast strike and crosses the Umbria -Marche border.
The focal mechanism of the largest shocks indicates that the events were the product of shallow extensional normal faulting along a NE-SW extension perpendicular to the trend of the Apennines. The network of analog seismometer stations нельзя updated rpms 2022 editable template the Umbria and Marche regions recorded motions of the main September and October events and a dense array of mobile digital stations, installed since September 29, recorded most of the swarm.
Many of the temporary and permanent stations in the Italian seismic network have little or no characterization of seismic velocities. In this study, we investigated 17 Italian sites using an active-source approach that employs low frequency harmonic waves to measure the dispersive nature of surface waves in the ground.
We used the Spectral Analysis of Surface Wave SASW approach, coupled with an array of harmonic-wave electro-mechanical sources that are driven in-phase to excite the ground. An inversion algorithm using a non-linear least-squares best-fit method is used to compute shear wave velocities for up to PubMed Central.
Simple Summary In Italydog shelters are overcrowded because the rate of dog adoption is lower than that of abandonment. RandAgiamo provides training, socialization and advertising of adult shelter dogs. Official data of the Umbria regional health authorities from the year showed a higher rate of adoption in shelters involved in the project.
RandAgiamo dogs had triple odds of being adopted compared to others housed in shelters of the same province. The increase in adoption rate can be beneficial for both dog welfare and shelter management.
Abstract Current Italian legislation does not permit euthanasia of dogs, unless they are ill or dangerous. Shelter overcrowding has negative implications for dog welfare and increases public costs. We analysed the official data of the Umbria regional health authorities regarding dog shelters of the Perugia province of the year In the RandAgiamo shelter, the dog adoption rate was We model the rainfall-induced initiation of shallow landslides over a broad region using a deterministic approach, the Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-based Slope-stability TRIGRS model that couples an infinite-slope stability analysis with a one-dimensional analytical solution for transient pore pressure response to rainfall infiltration.
This model permits the evaluation of regional shallow landslide susceptibility in a Geographic Information System framework, and we use it to analyze susceptibility to shallow landslides in an area in the eastern Umbria Region of central Italy. As shown on a landslide inventory map produced by the Italian National Research Council, the area has windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login – windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login affected in the past by shallow landslides, many of which have transformed into debris flows.
Input data for the TRIGRS model include time-varying rainfall, topographic slope, colluvial thickness, initial water table depth, and material strength and hydraulic properties. Because of a paucity of input data, we focus on parametric analyses to calibrate and test the model and show the effect of variation in material properties and initial water table conditions on the distribution of simulated instability in the study area in response to realistic rainfall.
Following laws and regulations concerning extreme natural events management, the Italian national hydrometeorological early warning system is composed by 21 regional offices Functional Centres – CF.
The alert system is based on hydrometric and rainfall thresholds with detailed procedures for the management of critical events in which different roles of authorities and institutions involved are defined. In the period 11thth Novembera significant flood event occurred in Umbria as well as Tuscany and northern Lazio.
The territory was interested by intense and persistent rainfall; the hydro-meteorological monitoring network recorded locally rainfall depth over mm in 72 hours and, generally, values greater than the seasonal averages all over the region. In the most affected area the recorded rainfall depths correspond to centenarian return period: one-third of the annual mean precipitation occurred in windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login – windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login.
Almost all rivers in Umbria have been involved, exceeding hydrometric thresholds, and several ones overflowed. Furthermore, in some cases, so high water levels have never been recorded by the hydrometric network. As in the major flood events occurred in the last years, dams Montedoglio and Corbara dams along Tiber River and Casanuova dam along Chiascio River and other hydraulic works for flood defense e.
The measure of natural range related to geological bedrock, landforms and geomorphological processes is the necessary starting point to geodiversity evaluation. Geodiversity plays a strategic role in landscape management. Whereas geotourism and geosites are identified as a driving microsoft powerpoint download free windows 11 for the scientific and economic promotion of an area, the geodiversity knowledge is required for a complete and accurate research.
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Each abiotic parameter is modelled in a grid format; привожу ссылку functions do provide neighbourhood analysis нажмите для деталей computing variety statistics.
A particular extent is dedicated to topographic information and terrain roughness, that are strictly related to efficiency of geomorphological processes and generally corresponding to the abiotic components variability. The study area is located in central Italy and is characterized by a well known natural heritage. Thirty-seven geosites are detected in the Umbria region, where seven regional and one natural.
Assessing the больше информации of climate-change scenarios on landslide occurrence in Umbria Region, Italy. Landslides are frequent and widespread geomorphological phenomena causing loss of human life and damage to property. The main tool for assessing landslide risk relies on rainfall thresholds and thus, many countries established early warning systems aimed to landslide hazard assessment.
The outputs of five different Global Circulation Models GCMs were downscaled http://replace.me/28345.txt weather generators were used for obtaining hourly rainfall and temperature time series from daily GCMs projection.
Overall, soil moisture was projected to decrease throughout the year but during the wet season the variations with respect to the present period were very small. Specifically, it was found that windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login – windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login the warm-dry season, due to the strong decrease of soil moisture, even for a sensible increase in rainfall intensity, the landslide occurrence was. Occupational brain cancer risks in Umbria Italywith a particular focus on steel foundry workers.
Among other results, the incidental finding of brain cancer increased risk in steel foundry workers in Terni province Italylead us to deepen the analysis, focusing on this specific industrial sector. A monitoring study, based on Umbria Regional Cancer Registry data, was recently carried out. Brain cancer cases and controls identified within this preliminary study were selected.
Therefore, we considered all incident cases in Umbria region of brain cancer occurred among workers occupied for at least one year in private companies since and controls randomly sampled from the same population.
Afterwards, taking in to account results from steel foundry in Terni province, we further deepened our analysis, focusing on this productive sector. Statistical analyses were carried out on subjects, 56 cases and controls. Significantly increased ORs were observed for garment, mechanical manufacturing and chemical industries.
Moreover, the risk estimates were strongly correlated with exposures in iron and steel foundries and a cluster of 14 cases in the same foundry in Terni was observed OR 9.
Moreover, our results pointed out a significantly increased risk in Terni foundry workers, determining an interesting brain cancer cluster 14 cases. Further studies on this industrial sector are needed with improved definitions of tasks and exposures. Genetic testing strategies and counseling in cystic fibrosis CF can be problematic due to its extreme allelic heterogeneity and the difficult clinical interpretation of rare variants.
Since in a previous survey of Italian CF patients, Umbria a small region with aboutinhabitants was excluded due to the low number of chromosomes tested Italyis the fourth most frequent allele in Umbria. The insA variant was not included in the first-level regional screening, and we therefore suggest the implementation of this variant in the future.
Karger AG, Basel. Lycium barbarum is a famous plant in the traditional Chinese medicine. The plant is known to have health-promoting bioactive components. The properties of Lycium barbarum berries cultivated in Umbria Italy and their effect on human hepatocellular carcinoma cells HepG2 have been investigated in this work.
The obtained results demonstrated that the Lycium barbarum berries from Umbria region display high antioxidant properties evaluated by total phenolic content and ORAC method, on hydrophilic and lipophilic fractions. Moreover, on HepG2 cell line Lycium barbarum berries extract did not change cell viability analyzed by MTT and Trypan blue exclusion assay and did not induce genotoxic effect analyzed by comet assay.
Furthermore, it was demonstrated, for the first time, that the berries extract showed windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login – windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login protective effect on DNA damage, expressed as antigenotoxic activity in vitro. Finally, Lycium barbarum berries extract was able to modulate the expression of genes involved in oxidative stress, proliferation, apoptosis, and cancer.
In particular, downexpression of genes involved in tumor migration and invasion CCL5in increased risk of metastasis and antiapoptotic signal DUSP1and in carcinogenesis GPx-3 and PTGS1together with overexpression of tumor suppressor gene MT3suggested that Umbrian Lycium barbarum berries could play a protective role against hepatocellular carcinoma. Italian Renaissance and Hispano-Moresque lustre-decorated majolicas: imitation cases of Hispano-Moresque style in central Italy.
An investigation was carried out on Renaissance lustre-decorated majolica shards, found during excavations made in Umbria central Italy and defined by experts, on the ground of the surface decoration, as imitations of the Hispano-Moresque style. A comparison between this particular kind of samples, produced in central Italyand some Hispano-Moresque lustre shards has been performed.
The ceramic bodies as well as the lustred surfaces have been analysed by means of several techniques: inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, X-ray diffraction XRDatomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomisation and scanning electron microscopy.
A hypothesis has been made, considering bismuth as a discriminating element, between lustres produced in central Italy and the Hispano-Moresque ones. We thought that the Italian artisans were able to manage the use of bismuth. Therefore a recipe, quite similar to the one employed by the Spanish artisans, was used by the Italian ceramists if their aim was to imitate the Hispano-Moresque style. Fungal community, Fusarium head blight complex and secondary metabolites associated with malting barley windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login – windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login harvested in Umbriacentral Italy.
In recent years, due to the negative impact of toxigenic mycobiota and of windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login – windows 10 1703 download iso italy vsp login accumulation of their secondary metabolites in malting barley grains, monitoring the evolution of fungal communities in a certain cultivation area as well as detecting the different windows 10 pro 64 bits drivers present in the raw material prior to malting and brewing processes have become increasingly important.
In this study, a survey was carried out on malting barley samples collected after their harvest in the Umbria region central Italy. Samples were analyzed to determine the composition of the fungal посмотреть еще, to identify the isolated Fusarium species, to quantify fungal secondary metabolites in the grains and to characterize the in vitro mycotoxigenic profile of a subset of the isolated Fusarium strains.
Secondary metabolites biosynthesized by Alternaria and Fusarium species were present in the analyzed grains. Among those biosynthesized by Fusarium species, nivalenol and enniatins were the most prevalent ones. Type A trichothecenes T-2 and HT-2 toxins as well as beauvericin were also present with a high incidence.
Conversely, the number of samples contaminated with deoxynivalenol was low. Conjugated forms, such as deoxynivalenolglucoside and HTglucoside, were detected for the first time in malting barley grains cultivated in the surveyed area.
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