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Email Required, but never shown. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is Error An error occurred during the installation of assembly ‘Microsoft. Please refer to Help and Support for more information. Have you tried installing it from a different location? Specifically installing it from your local hard drive? Try repairing the highest level of the.

Net Framework on your PC. It might be down to something else you have installed. Do you have other versions of Visual Studio? Ever installed any VS betas? We decided to stick with the 32 bit version. No particular reason. I have tried both the 32 bit install and 64 bit install and get the same results. Well, I was never able to figure this out and I tried everything I found online as suggestions. I ended up rebuilding the server and it installed fine. Stupid that was the only way, but what can you do.

This topic has been locked by an administrator and is no longer open for commenting. All the DecisionTools add-in products version 8. In that situation, subsequent use of the add-ins without those same elevated privileges can result in the add-in being unable to retain changes of different preferences and settings to the system registry where they are stored. In RISK versions 8. No error message will indicate the problem, but changes to the add-in preferences or other permanent settings may not hold when the add-in is restarted.

Please note : This is not a problem if you are running on an administrator account. The problem only manifests itself when running with administrator elevation. This issue will be fixed for all products in version 8. This version has not yet been released to the public. However, if your registry is already in the bad state from a previous version of the software, you still may want to follow the steps below to reset the registry.

A simple workaround for this issue is to continue to run as administrator. However, this might not be convenient or desirable. A more comprehensive solution is to remove the portion of the registry that was created with incorrectly elevated privilege requirements and then rerun the software without elevation.

This allows those keys to be recreated with the correct non-elevated privileges. There are two side effects to this approach:. This gives you the option of restoring this key if things do not work correctly. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to support palisade. Note: A valid and current maintenance plan is needed for you to get our assistance, if it’s expired, feel free to contact sales palisade. What is wrong? To launch the software: Either double-click the desktop icon if you selected desktop icons during install , or click the Start Button and select the Palisade DecisionTools program group.

If Excel is already running, the software will attach to the running copy; otherwise the software will launch Excel for you.

If Excel is already running and the software doesn’t attach to it, look up the error message in this Knowledge Base or if appropriate see Nothing Happens When I Launch the Software. That article lists some specific add-ins; please don’t make any other Palisade add-ins active. Also, please don’t manually add any toolbars. That is not necessary to make the software run, and it may actually cause the software to malfunction.

Then you always have the software handy, without drilling down into the Start menu or moving windows that are covering a desktop icon. But shouldn’t it be in Excel’s add-ins list? Our software may appear in Excel’s list of inactive add-ins. This is normal, not a sign of trouble. It doesn’t need to be in Excel’s list of active add-ins unless you want it to launch with Excel every time, as mentioned above.

A message “initializing Microsoft Excel” appears briefly, but that’s all. If that copy is not visible — if it’s minimized, or hidden behind another window — you won’t see RISK do anything after “initializing”. If there are multiple copies of Excel open, Windows won’t necessarily choose the one you expect, even if one copy is open and visible on the desktop. Check the taskbar carefully for copies of Excel, and bring each one in turn to the foreground.

Chances are that RISK just attached to a different copy of Excel from the one you expected, because that’s the copy that Windows told it about. It’s also possible for Excel to be running in background, meaning without any indication in the taskbar. Look at the Processes or Details tab to see all running processes, including those that don’t have a window. Click the Image Name column head to sort the processes by name.

If you have one or more copies of Excel that don’t have a visible window, click each one and then click End Task or End Process. If Excel crashes while an add-in from Palisade or another third-party vendor is loaded, Excel may disable that add-in. There are three lists: active add-ins, inactive add-ins, and disabled add-ins. To re-enable disabled add-ins, look for the Manage: Excel Add-Ins box at the bottom of the list of add-ins. Click the drop-down arrow to change that to Disabled Add-Ins, and click Go.

Select the add-ins to re-enable, and click the Enable button. There is no need to add Palisade add-ins to Excel’s active add-ins list; it’s enough that they are not disabled. A few IT departments may unintentionally set Windows group policies that interfere with running Palisade software. We highly recommend updating MS Office to the latest version available, as we have confirmed this has worked with some users. The other tools in the Suite load and run normally. The customer who reported this problem had the DecisionTools Suite 7.

Most likely the same would happen with some other releases of the software, but we don’t know which ones. This is an unusual problem, and we’ve had only one case of this specific issue so far. The customer actually found the solution, after we and they spent considerable time troubleshooting. We’re recording it here to save time for others with a similar security suite. The solution was to capture the software fingerprints of those three add-ins from ePo and add them to the whitelist exemptions list.

Applies to: All Palisade products running as add-ins to Excel or newer. Palisade software is not behaving correctly, and I think the problem may be a conflict with something else loaded in Excel.

Do you have any kind of checklist for diagnosis? Remove the check mark from the last entry, “Show the Start screen when this application starts”. Close Excel and reopen the Palisade software. One class of add-ins conflicts with some Palisade add-ins only when the Excel Start screen is enabled. If that solves your issue, you can skip the rest of this article.

There are four potential sources of conflict: Excel add-ins, COM add-ins two groups in separate lists , and your own automatic startup files. When there’s a startup conflict, turn off all the possible sources at once, then turn them back on again one at a time. The Excel settings for this are scattered in several places in Excel and even in the System Registry. We have tried to provide a step-by-step procedure to cover all the cases:.

Excel and later: click the File tab in the ribbon and then Options. Excel click the round Office button, then Excel Options. Remove the check marks from all third-party add-ins. If you have any Palisade add-ins checked ticked , remove the check marks. Our add-ins are designed to run without the check marks, except as explained in Opening Palisade Software Automatically Whenever Excel Opens. Get back to Options and click Add-Ins again. Caution : Some COM add-ins add themselves back if you disable them, either right away or the next time you open Excel.

The next time you reopen Excel, verify that your COM add-ins have not re-enabled themselves. Get back to Options again and click Advanced, then scroll down to the General section. Look at the box labeled “At startup, open all files in”. If there is anything in the box, make a note of it, temporarily clear the box, and click OK.

You will put that setting back later, in step 6. There will probably be more than one folder with that name. You will put them back later, in step 7.

Now, run the Palisade software that was having a problem. If it now behaves correctly, then a startup conflict was responsible for the problem. But if the problem still occurs, please go to step 8. If Palisade software is now running okay, you can determine which item s provided the conflicts. Restore the setting of “At startup, open all files in”, close Excel, and reopen our software. If the problem returns, you will have to eliminate items from that folder one by one, closing Excel and reopening our software each time, till the problem no longer occurs.

Repeat, closing Excel each time, till you’ve eliminated every conflict and added back every safe item. Some third-party COM add-ins don’t appear in Excel’s list, so you can’t disable them there but must do it in the System Registry. If it exists, right-click Addins and export it as a. REG file so that you can restore the settings later. Then expand Addins and click on each subentry in turn, but not the “BigPicture Support Add-in” , which comes from Palisade.

For each subentry, look at LoadBehavior in the right-hand panel and if it is 3 change it to 0. You might not actually have a startup conflict, but rather an outdated or unstable version of Excel. It’s very important to make sure you have the latest Service Pack installed. Office only: We have found that a repair install not a reinstall of Office cures many problems, even right after you have installed an Office service pack.

The procedure for the repair install is explained in Repair of Excel or Project. You will probably need administrative rights for this. If your IT department does this for you, they must log in as you with administrative rights, because this procedure must be performed within your user profile. Under Office, navigate to For safety, make a backup copy of this entry, by right-clicking Options and selecting Export. Chose any file name and location, but keep the file type as.

Answer Yes to the confirming prompt. Right-click Addins, select Export, and pick a file name and location. Then, right-click the Addins key and select Delete. Excel should now start without add-ins. You can restore the previous values of those keys by double-clicking the.

REG files that you saved. Additional keywords: start up conflicts, conflicts at start up, conflicts at startup. Problem: If you get an error message or a series of error messages when starting the software, you may have a conflict with one of your add-ins or startup files.

Some possible messages include “Palgraph5 server error” or a runtime error with a long number. Solution: First try searching for the particular message in the Knowledge Books , but if you don’t find it then you may be able to diagnose any conflicts by starting Excel in Safe Mode. You do not need to restart your computer.

Continue holding the Ctrl key down. When the prompt appears asking whether you want to start Excel in Safe Mode, release the Ctrl key and answer Yes. If the above doesn’t open Excel in Safe Mode, please see Microsoft’s Knowledge Base article How to troubleshoot startup problems in Excel accessed and scroll down to “Let me start it myself”. When Excel has loaded, click Tools » Add-ins. Click the Windows Start button, then Programs or All Programs, then Palisade DecisionTools, then the shortcut for the Palisade software tool you are having trouble with.

If the Palisade software now functions correctly, there was a conflict with another add-in or one of your own startup files. These can be specified in several places, so find them all and then eliminate them one by one till you find the conflict:. Click Tools » Add-ins. Uncheck all third-party add-ins. Then try loading and running the Palisade software. There will probably be more than one.

Then start the Palisade software and try to run it. Click Tools » Options » General. If the box contains a path, open My Computer and navigate to the path. Close Excel, then move all items from that folder to another location. Try to run the Palisade software. For safety, make a backup copy of this entry: Right-click Options and select Export. Click File » Exit to close Registry Editor.

Why is this happening, and how can I prevent it? Response: Normally you have to launch Palisade software explicitly: either double-click one of our desktop icons if available , or click Start » All Programs » Palisade DecisionTools and then a product shortcut. When you launch our software and Excel is already open, our software will attach itself to the running copy of Excel.

If Excel is not already running, our software will launch it for you. However, if you enable one or more of the Palisade add-ins in Excel’s add-ins list, then Excel will load that add-in automatically whenever Excel itself loads. To restore the ability to launch Excel without Palisade, remove the check mark from the list in Excel.

I made some changes in Application Settings, and clicked OK. Everything was fine until I closed Excel and reopened my Palisade software. Then I saw that the Application Settings had all reverted to their previous values, and my changes were lost. Somehow, you have write access to the keys where Application Settings are stored, but you don’t have read access. You may have privilege to fix this, or you may need to call in your IT department. Here is the procedure:.

Right-click on Palisade and select Permissions. In the Permissions dialog, click the Advanced button. In the Advanced Security Settings dialog, click your user name your Windows login , then click the Edit or View button.

In the Permission Entry dialog, you should have Full Control. If you do, click Close and go to the next numbered step. Back on the Advanced Security Settings dialog, tick the box Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object , click Apply , and answer Yes to the confirmation prompt. If you get any kind of failure message, you will need to take ownership of the problem subkey s. If you’re not sure how to do that, do a Web search for “take ownership of registry key”.

Applies to: All Palisade software, version 6. I upgraded from version 5. You have the old version listed as an active add-in in Excel.

The cure is simply to remove it from Excel’s list. Use the instructions below, based on your version of Excel. There is no need to have any Palisade add-ins checked ticked in Excel’s add-ins list; they will all run just fine without that. You would place a check mark in Excel’s list for a Palisade add-in only if you want to force that Palisade add-in to start every time Excel starts. Applies to: All Palisade software, releases 6.

But I know that my company renewed our maintenance. How can I run the software? When you renew maintenance, we update information on our server with the new maintenance date. However, the Palisade software on your computer caches the maintenance expiration date so that it doesn’t need to go out on the Internet every time you run.

Usually the software knows when it is necessary to re-query our server, but if you’re not on the Internet or your firewall prevents access to our server then the cache may need to be reset manually.

Please contact Technical Support with a screen shot of License Manager, and they will help you reset the cache so that the software knows your correct maintenance date. Additional keywords: Wrong maintenance expiration date. I activated a standalone license on a computer, and it works fine for me, but when another user tries to run on the same computer she still gets the trial license.

The user will need to select the activated license. If you want to do it for her, you must log in on her Windows account. Here’s the procedure to follow under that user’s login:. For more information about how the software decides which license to use, please see Which License Gets Used? Applies to: Concurrent Network clients, releases 6. When I launch the software, the Excel status line seems stuck at “Authorizing What is taking so long?

Have you redirected any of the Windows special folders to network drives? If you have redirected any of those to a network drive, try making it local and see if that solves the problem. If you have any UNC paths in those keys, try replacing them with mapped network drives.

Applies to: All 5. I installed the 5. Releases 5. This is fixed in releases 6. If you have a current maintenance contract, you can upgrade your network at no charge; just contact your Palisade sales office.

But of course you want to solve the individual user’s problem right away, even if you intend to upgrade later. There are several possible causes, but the most likely is incorrect installation. Here are the things to check:. Was the software installed on this workstation as a network client, and not a standalone trial? During installation, the Client.

The network information is in that Client. To install the client software, use Network Neighborhood or similar to point to the ClientInstaller folder on the server, then right-click the installer there and select Run As Administrator. If you prefer, you can copy both files to a network share, USB stick, or the client’s desktop and do the install that way.

The key requirement is that the Client. Otherwise, the installer will appear to succeed but it will not know that you have a network copy and will install a trial standalone copy.

To fix this particular client’s installation, please see Changing a 5. To avoid this problem for future client installs, use the ClientInstaller folder as described above. On the server, look at your license file. It is in the same folder as Palisade. If no port number is specified, the server dynamically selects a port in the rage to The port number precedes the sign and server name. If no port number precedes the sign, the client dynamically negotiates a port number to with the server.

There are some unusual exceptions, where network administrators use fully qualified domain names or IP addresses. These must be carefully tested. If the license file on the server specifies a port number, the System Registry key on the client must specify the same port number. If the license file on the server does not specify a port number, the System Registry key on the client must not specify a port number.

You can use the Microsoft. NET Framework components. For more information, see. As Office includes. This issue may also occur when you apply other updates, for example, a hotfix for Microsoft. To work around this issue, use one of the following methods:.


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Error 1935 installing microsoft project 2010 free –

However, this might not be convenient or desirable. But I actually do micrlsoft a later version of Excel! The installer program failed to register the TopRankModel. Skip to main content. In a Project context, it appears your Global.


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