Cache Types — MapServer documentation. Mapcache maker download


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It is common to work around this artifact with a normal-based bias to the shadow lookup. Minor Bugs – We have fixed over bugs in both the server and client. Fully baked shadows from Static Lights will still work as before when not using Lumen. Posted February 19, edited.❿


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Tiles stored in memcache backends are configured to expire in 1 day by default. Posted January 8, edited.❿

GEO Map Control | PcVue Solutions. Mapcache maker download

It still may have value when used to pick up cheaper shadows from objects set to not render into shadow maps but is not recommended otherwise as it will be less accurate than the shadows VSMs will create. Create a free Team Why Teams? On linux, this can be done by running the following command: make plugin. This particular artifact can be more noticeable with Virtual Shadow Maps because by default they are set up to deliver highly detailed shadows from Nanite geometry. This cache can use any database schema: It is up to you to supply the SQL that will be executed to select or insert a new tile. If there is no unsupported geometry casting shadows, these passes will not run or allocate shadow map storage. Display as a link instead.

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