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To install and use this product error when you install Office – Office | Microsoft Learn

That shouldn’t be a problem, Office should install on any version of Windows you have. Are you getting an error message? Give us the full and exact error message text and error code. We need clues in order to help you. Try turning on Verbose Logging. NOTE: Microsoft visual studio 2015 security update for august 2018 free download to turn it off after you fix the problem. Verbose Logging applies to Windows updates and all other install processes.
You can post the generated Logs in Onedrive and give a link to them to your technician if you need technical help. I found a pattern in one verbose log file set that I have not yet had a chance to confirm in others, but you can give it a try. The pattern is that there is a separate log file for each component. There should be an odd number of log files. Starting from читать статью of list are продолжение здесь for successful install of components.
Find the log file in the very middle of the list of log files. It is also probably the largest. It is most likely to be the one reporting the error that caused the install to end and back out.
All of the log files after that point will be reporting the uninstall of previously installed components детальнее на этой странице reverse order. Product Version: Product Language: 0. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Installation success or error status: Продолжить posting extract may catch the problem, but often miss the important info, so it is best to give us access to everything captured.
The best thing to do in this situation is to restart your computer, and run Office Setup again with complete verbose logging turned on with one additional option. To do this, start Office Setup. To do so, follow these steps:. Microsoft office home student 2010 hat installation fehler festgestellt free Start, and then click Run. In the Open box, type the following command-line, and then на этой странице OK:.
To enable Windows Installer logging yourself, open the registry with Regedit. The letters in the value field can be in any order. Each letter turns on a different logging mode. Note This should be used only for trouble shooting purposes and should not be left on because it will have adverse effects on system performance and disk space. Every time anything is installed, ie Windows Updates, logs are created. When looking through the MSI logs we will typically want to look for a value 3 entry in the logs.
Windows installer returns codes during the install which will перейти на страницу if a particular function was successful or not. Now try to install Microsoft Office to get the error message so that the log files get created. October 13, MS will stop providing security updates for it. You’ll no longer be able to download Office from the Microsoft web site.
Hint: if microsoft office home student 2010 hat installation fehler festgestellt free intend to continue running after that date it is advisable to download and save an installation microsoft office home student 2010 hat installation fehler festgestellt free shortly before that date.
It will contain all of the Office updates, making future installs cleaner. So if you are running a program that is past EOL, you are no longer getting any of these fixes. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Installed смотрите подробнее one laptop and one desktop. Years later, after this laptop went bad, I may have installed it on another laptop.
The previous installs were never ‘uninstalled’, so microsoft office home student 2010 hat installation fehler festgestellt free be at my 3 computer limit. But all these previous computers are now long gone. The current laptop I’m trying to install to is now about a year old, an HP Pavilion, with Windows 10, Intel core i7, 8th generation.
When this didn’t work, I went online and saw a suggestion to try, 2. I click, ‘yes’. Today I tried running setup from within the x64 directory of the install cd. Same results. I get the window saying, ‘do you want this device to make changes to your pc? I entered my microsoft office home student 2010 hat installation fehler festgestellt free key, it comes back and says this key is eligible for Home and Student download.
I select English as the language, and it gives me two options for home and student I downloaded both to have on hand.
It says it is extracting files and brings up a MS Office window that asks me to microsoft office home student 2010 hat installation fehler festgestellt free my product key I do so. This time, unlike other times, it allows me to enter my entire product key. On previous tries, this window would disappear before I could complete the entry. But today, it accepts my product key, appears to be installing the files, but nothing else happens. Nothing has installed as far as Нажмите чтобы перейти can tell.
And if so, where do I tell Microsoft that I no longer have those old computers? Thanks for reading. I plan to wait for a response before attempting to enable ‘verbose’ mode, as previously suggested here. Roger, If you have the. Then use the Microsoft Uninstall Tool to uninstall Office читать Use Option 2 to Completely remove remnants from your computer.
This will setup an Office Account as well as setting up Officefrom where you can reinstall your Office in the future. You did go to the correct website to reinstall your Office I don’t know why it would not install. The problem, besides anything else, is that Microsoft is doing everything it can get away with to get rid of any Office other than Office So setting up your Office from the link I have provided is the correct link for people who purchased Office on disc.
Not long ago there was an actual page where it said this but Microsoft has removed it, just as they have removed a link for Office from the page where you downloaded your Office But Office is still supported by Microsoft until October Good luck.
Hi, I buy a license and i were working since in my office to Mac. But it is not working and microsoft want to send me another. What can Ill do? Before uninstalling, the first thing I would try is simply restarting the computer. Then look in the Start menu. The Office applications should be inside an Officeor Microsoft Office entry in the “All Items” list of programs in the Start menu. Retail Home and Student allows install and activation on up to 3 computers at the same time.
It also allows you to transfer those installations to new computers. To transfer, the license terms require that you either uninstall Office from a machine or permanently make that machine unusable, ie scrap it to “free up” the install count. Note, uninstall does NOT actually contact the activation system, microsoft office home student 2010 hat installation fehler festgestellt free although you logically KNOW that you have a free count, the activation system may not allow it to automatically activate.
If during the activation, the MS system reported you were out of allowed activation count you would get an error message telling you that.
There is one case where you wouldn’t get the error message. If you had an unactivated copy of microsoft office home student 2010 hat installation fehler festgestellt free, ie factory installedWindows would mistakenly try to activate with your key.
But in this specific situation no error message is displayed. The first file name is a valid download file name format. But, when you mention ” singleimage.
That is the file name of the OEM installation file. You should not be seeing mention of SingleImage while using the other installer. This cross talk about different installers could be a valid reason for doing an uninstall and starting the install over again after restarting the computer. Roger, Just one thing to add to my post. I said that you correctly went to www.
I think this is incorrect because you purchased Office on CD. I do not be believe you can download Office purchased on CD from that website. Office was released to manufacturing on April 15,and was later made available for retail and online purchase on June 15, I do not have anything to uninstall.
Microsoft office home student 2010 hat installation fehler festgestellt free
Old laptop died with win. How microsoft office home student 2010 hat installation fehler festgestellt free you get new laptop to accept product key. Was this reply helpful?
Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Depends on exactly what you mean by “accept” did you first uninstall any preinstalled Office trial version? And contact us Support has no access to the activation servers, or any de-activation process, which does not exist for O You appear to be more interested in contradicting me on numerous threads than assisting the poster.
As I said above I searched for single use versions of Office Home and Student and they jat on the internet. The poster may have a version that can be used on more than one computer. In any event the poster appears to be referring to Office Home and Student on disc. See if you can download Office Home and Student from Manage, download, back microsoft office home student 2010 hat installation fehler festgestellt free, or restore Office products Scroll down to:.
You can download Office products, provided you have a valid Office product key. If you wish to be pedantic the OP stated they had a disk but didn’t say whether festgestlelt Microsoft office home student 2010 hat installation fehler festgestellt free disk or what? But I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Thank you for your help. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support feshgestellt Install, insgallation, activate Microsoft and Fred Search Community member.
How do you get new laptop to accept product key or is this a scam to make you buy a new program? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but jnstallation cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. If your Office Home and Student was one install then Microsoft will think that you are attempting use it on more than one computer because you did not uninstall it on your old computer.
You will need to contact Microsoft to deactivate your Office on the old computer. Thanks for your feedback. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. If a retail version of Office its licensed autodesk 3ds max 2009 64-bit free at least 2 working installations. In reply to RonBarker’s post on September 29, I checked online before posting and there are single use version of Office Home and Student Microsoft Office support should provide a new key if Office was not uninstalled from old computer: How can I dectivate a licensed copy of MS Office Professional.
In reply to Palcouk’s microsort on September 29, Patricia See if you can download Office Home and Student from Manage, download, back up, or restore Office products Offixe down to: Download Office You can download Office products, provided you have a valid Office product orfice.
I did not reply to you until you mlcrosoft to butt in with misinformation Нажмите для продолжения info you posted on de-activation is not relevant, and a new key would not be provided.
This site in other languages x.
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