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The SP1(Build ) installs on Autodesk Inventor (Build ). A minimum of GB of free disk space is required on the drive. With Inventor 3D CAD software, you canintegrate 2D AutoCAD® drawings and 3D data into a single digitalmodel, creating a virtual representation.
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Assembly Modeling The preview of Mate and Flush constraints in the Assemble command are mismatched. However, the deeper-level sub-assemblies contain an assembly and try to use the modified geometry. Communication and Interoperability Resolving to an Excel spreadsheet always connects with the original path. Content Center Language for Content Center is not maintained. Design Accelerator Inventor unexpectedly exits when editing a Cam follower radius in Cam Generator.
Drawing Manager The text paragraph displays incorrectly after resizing the Text Box when pressing Enter twice after a paragraph. When removing holes in a parent table, the hole index does not update.
Enhanced Visualization The preview quality is bad when placing views from small parts. Frame Generator Inventor unexpectedly exits when a keyboard entry is used to choose frame size during frame creation. Inventor Studio The Style tab incorrectly displays in the render image dialog box with an illustration render type in Studio.
Part Modeling Inventor unexpectedly exits when editing a Move Body feature. Presentations Inventor unexpectedly exits when you right mouse button in an empty Presentation.
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Map3Dprof – 3D profiles incl. CurveText – draw text along a curve arc, circle, polyline DXEdel – delete references to. F Diry – Holes – select faces by color and creates selection sets add-on for Fusion FieldLink – draw temporary lines between fields and their source objects, incl. PatCatalog – draws a catalog of hatch patterns defined in all.
PSrename – adds prefix or suffix to the name of any symbol – layers, blocks, styles, ltypes RenameCSV – rename layouts, blocks, layers, linetypes, styles, groups, etc.
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