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Intra-abdominal lymphatic malformation management in light of the updated International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies classification. Current applications for measuring pediatric intima-media thickness. The value of non-invasive vascular elastography NIVE in detecting early vascular changes in overweight and obese children.
Efficacy and safety of 2-year etidronate treatment in a child with generalized arterial calcification of infancy. Design of heart phantoms for ultrasound imaging of ventricular septal defects. Large Amplatzer atrial septal occluder in growing children: an echographic study.
Importance of anatomical dominance in the evaluation of coronary dilatation in Kawasaki disease. Daerr, M.
Receveur, L. Limat, Soft Matter 10 , Palero, J. Lobera, P. Brunet, N. Andres and P. Aroyo, Experiments in Fluids 54 , Oscillating and star-shaped drops levitated by an airflow. Bouwhuis, K. Winkels, I. Peters, P. Brunet, D. Snoeijer, Physical Review E 88 , Brunet American Journal of Physics 81 , Colombier, F.
Garrelie, P. Brunet, A. Pigeon, R. Stoian and O. Particle deposition after droplet evaporation on ultra-hydrophobic micro-textured surfaces. Brunet Soft Matter 8 , Pointy ice-drops: how water freezes into a singular shape. Brunet American Journal of Physics 80 , Low power sessile droplets actuation via modulated surface acoustic waves.
Brunet, O. Bou Matar and E. Applied Physics Letters , Zipping effect on omniphobic surfaces for controlled deposition of minute amounts of fluid or colloids. Dufour, P. Brunet, M. Harnois, V. Thomy, R. Boukherroub and V.
Small 8 , Simple and low-cost fabrication of PDMS microfluidic round channels by surface wetting parameters optimization. De Ville, P.
Coquet, P. Brunet and R. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 12 , — Star-drops formed by periodic excitation and on an air cushion – A short review.
Brunet and J. Wavelength selection in the crown splash. Zhang, R. Deegan, P. Eggers, Physics of Fluids 22 , Quantitative testing of robustness on super-omniphobic surfaces by drop impact. Nguyen, P. Brunet, Y. Coffinier and R. Langmuir 26 , — Electrowetting and droplet impalement experiments on superhydrophobic multiscale structures.
Lapierre, P. Coffinier, V. Blossey and R. Faraday Discussions Droplets displacement and oscillations induced by ultrasonic surface acoustic waves: a quantitative study. Bou-Matar and F. Physical Review E 81 , To grate a liquid into tiny droplets by its impact on a hydrophobic micro-grid.
Brunet, F. Lapierre, F. Zoueshtiagh, V. Thomy and A. Applied Physics Letters 95 , Maximum size of drops levitated by an air cushion Download. Snoeijer, P. Eggers Physical Review E 79 , Motion of a drop induced by substrate vibrations. Eggers and R. Lapierre, V. Thomy, Y. Boukherroub Langmuir 24 , Complexities of Splashing.
Eggers Nonlinearity 21 C1-C11 Vibration-induced climbing drops. Deegan Physical Review Letters 99, Appeared in Nature as Research Highlights. Stabilized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation: A useful model for secondary instabilities and related dynamics of experimental one-dimensional cellular flows Download. Physical Review E 76 Dynamics of a circular array of falling liquid columns. Flesselles and L. European Physical Journal B 55 Pattern-Forming instabilities: A phenomenological approach through simple examples.
European Journal of Physics 28 Propagative waves in a falling liquid curtain. Legrand, P. Lebon and L. Physical Review E 74 , Perturbations on a liquid curtain near break-up: Wakes and free edges. Roche, N. Physics of Fluids 18 , Control of thermocapillary instabilities far from threshold. Brunet, G. Amberg and P. Alfredsson Physics of Fluids 17 Sensitivity to the stress response function to packing preparation.
Atman, P. Geng, G. Reydellet, G. Combe, P. Claudin, R. Behringer and E. From the stress response function back to the sand-pile pressure dip Download. Reydellet, P. Defects and spatiotemporal disorder in a pattern of falling liquid columns. Brunet, and L. Limat, Physical Review E 70 Structure and dynamics of a bi-dimensional pattern of liquid columns. Gauthier, L. Limat and D. Vallet, Experiments in Fluids 37 Transonic liquid bells.
Clanet and L. Limat, Physics of Fluids 16 Elastic properties of a cellular dissipative structure. Limat , European Physical Journal B 35 Parity breaking in a one-dimensional pattern : a quantitative study with controlled wavelength. Limat, Europhysics Letters 56 Impact of drops on non-wetting biomimetic surfaces. Merlen and P.
Instabilites et rupture d’un rideau liquide par amplifications de perturbations locales. Proceedings of the 19th Congres Francais de Mecanique, aout Marseille Impact of drops on various superhydrophobic surfaces. Brunet and A. Microsystems for flow control and transfer: a challenge for CFD. Merlen, P. Zoueshtiagh, M. Pamies and E. Thomy, P.
Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Microfluidics, Bologne The production of micro-droplets by the impact of a drop on a hydrophobic micro-grid.
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In our example, the trajectory tracking controller given by Eq. These norms are structurally embedded through existing legislation, which may impact gender equality and strengthen the gendered relationship of the family to employment and childcare by, for instance, disproportionately allocating paternity and maternity leave Pfau-Effinger, American Journal of Distance Education, 30 3 , —