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The anime has also depicted it preying on Caterpie. Pidgeotto claims a sprawling territory of more than 60 miles kilometers , which it defends fiercely. Its nest is usually in the center of its territory and it circles its territory throughout the day, looking out for food and intruders. It is most often found in temperate forests. Its glossy plumage is mostly brown with cream-colored underparts and flight feathers.

Its head has a decorated crest that is nearly as long as its body. The center feathers of its crest are yellow, while the outer feathers are red. The fan-like feathers of its tail are red or brown. Its beak and legs are pink, and there are three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe on each foot. Behind each eye is an angular black marking. Pidgeot’s powerful wings are capable of stirring up windstorms in just a few flaps, and it may spread its wings to intimidate enemies.

Its plumage is often described as beautiful, making it a popular choice for skilled Trainers. Pidgeot typically dwells in temperate forests with thick growth and large trees. It is known to prey on Magikarp, which it can spot from great heights. Pidgeot grows noticeably when it Mega Evolves, developing a larger body and longer, broader wings. Its wingtips and tail feathers are tipped with cyan, and its cream coloring is now white.

Its eyes turn magenta and its pupils turn white. Mega Pidgeot has an even more elaborate crest on its head, with a streamer-like magenta plume extending from a mane of yellow feathers. A magenta feather projects from the front of its crest and there is a single magenta highlight on the left side.

The crest is sensitive to air currents, acting like a large antenna and stabilizing Mega Pidgeot’s flight. It has purple fur with a cream-colored face, paws, and underbelly. It has narrow eyes containing white sclera and pupil with red irises, rounded ears with cream-colored insides, and a single whisker on each cheek. Its long tail is tightly curled at the end. Its most notable feature is its large teeth. Like most rodents, its teeth grow continuously throughout its life and must be worn down by gnawing.

A female Rattata will have shorter whiskers and lighter fur. Rattata can live wherever it can find food, which it searches for most of the day. Thanks to its sharp fangs, it is able to chew on nearly anything. When it is threatened, Rattata can deliver a powerful bite. Its large teeth are also useful when using its former signature moves, Hyper Fang and Super Fang. Rattata constantly keep their ears up and will immediately scurry away from the slightest sound.

Furret is the natural predator of Rattata. Its hardiness lets it live in many environments, although it mainly lives on plains and savannas. Because it reproduces so quickly, a pair of Rattata can quickly colonize an area. Rattata are non-native to Alola and arrived in cargo ships. The Rattata population in Alola was booming until Yungoos was imported as a control measure.

In order to avoid these new predators, Rattata altered its habits. It moved to more urban areas, became nocturnal, and formed large nests led by Raticate. It has even been known to sneak into people’s homes to find food. It has dark gray fur and grayish-purple ear insides. There are two tufts of fur on each ear and near the tip of its tail. Its long, thin whiskers are replaced by shorter, thicker tufts of fur as well. The line where its cream underbelly meets its gray fur is ragged instead of smooth.

This variant of Rattata is the shortest Dark-type. Although it is often depicted on its hind legs, it is a quadruped.

It is primarily tawny-colored with a cream underside. It has narrow black eyes, ears with ragged edges and dark insides, and large incisors that grow constantly. There are three whiskers on each side of its face, which it uses to maintain balance. It has short arms with three-fingered hands and webbed feet with three toes. The webbing on its feet allows it to swim. Its tail is long and scaly. A female will have shorter whiskers and lighter fur. If attacked, Raticate stands up on its hind legs, bares its fangs and shrieks in an intimidating manner at its enemy.

It is willing to take on larger foes if provoked enough. Its teeth are strong enough to gnaw through steel and their constant growth means it often needs to gnaw on something, like rocks and logs. It may even chew on the walls of houses, and is capable of chewing through cinderblocks and toppling concrete buildings. Its large incisors are also used for its former signature moves Hyper Fang and Super Fang. In Alola, Raticate has become heavier and darker due to its urban environment and higher calorie diet.

Its hands, feet, cheeks, and tail are a whitish-cream color, and its hands are much smaller. It has large, puffy cheeks with four whiskers under its chin and two sprouting sideways from the top of each cheek. Its large incisors are still visible, but its eyes are now red. This variant uses its nest as a food stockpile, and generally prefers to have the Alolan Rattata it commands to go out and forage for food while it remains in its nest and eats.

It is selective in what it eats, however, only eating fresh, high-quality foods, such as fruits. Rumor has it that a certain high-class restaurant even exploits this selectivity, bringing Raticate along to buy ingredients and letting it taste test new dishes.

It has rough, brown plumage on its head and three brown tail feathers. It has narrow, dark brown eyes with white pupils and a short, hooked beak that is light pink. The feathers covering its wings are pinkish-red with lighter tips, and it has a beige underside with two thin, horizontal stripes.

Its light pink feet have two toes in front and one in the back. Black feathers cover its back. Although inept at other aspects of its flying, such as height and distance, Spearow is still capable of flying quickly to protect its territory. However, it must flap its wings at high speeds to stay aloft. Spearow’s loud shrieks can be heard over half a mile one kilometer away, and are used to warn other of its kind of danger.

In the anime, Spearow is revealed to see in black and white and will chase its foes in a large flock. Spearow are found naturally in open habitats with warmer climates, mainly desolate wastelands and fields, where it hunts for insects. Ekans is a natural predator of Spearow. It has a long, pointed, pink beak and a decorative red coxcomb on top of its head.

Its narrow eyes have very small pupils and do not appear to have colored irises. It has shaggy, feathers at the base of its neck and covering the upper portion of its wings. These feathers are cream-colored, as are the tips of its flight feathers.

Its sharp-clawed talons are pink, with three toes pointing forward and one pointing backward. Its large wings and stamina allow it to fly for an entire day without landing.

Its long neck and beak allow it to pluck prey from both land and water, and it has even been known to steal from unwary humans. It will shoot upward, and then dive down to catch prey. It will also catch tiny insects that hide underground and circle the ocean for fish.

Fearow are found naturally in open habitats with warmer climates, mainly wastelands and desolate fields. Its eyes, underbelly, the thick stripe around its neck, and rattle are yellow. Ekans has three pairs of black lines encircling its body, as well as another line that connects to each slit-pupiled eye and curves toward its nose.

Its large mouth has a round, pink tongue and no visible teeth. While painful, a newborn Ekans’s bite is not venomous. Ekans lives in grassy savannas and plains, where it moves stealthily through grass. It can also be found in forests and desolate wastelands, where it preys on Eggs from Pidgey and Spearow nests, but will strike other prey from behind. By flicking its tongue out, it is able to detect danger and the scent of prey.

Its jaw can detach to swallow large prey, but such a meal can make Ekans too heavy to move or become stuck and cause it to faint.

It wraps itself around tree branches at night to rest. If not in a tree, it will coil itself up—a position in which it can defend itself from all directions. In the second movie, it is revealed to possess some swimming abilities.

Its former signature move is Glare. It has narrow eyes and several sharp teeth. Just below its head is a large hood with a face-like pattern. This pattern has over 20 possible variations. The pattern typically has two red and yellow eyespots outlined in black, a wide black streak resembling an upturned mouth, and a black V-shaped stripe above the eyespots.

Arbok is capable of crushing opponents by coiling its body around them and squeezing them tightly. It can even flatten steel oil drums.

If it encounters an enemy, it raises its head, mimics, and stuns the opponent using the frightening pattern on its body. It can also make eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth. It has been stated that if any part of Arbok’s body except for the head is cut off, it can regrow the rest of its body again in a matter of a few weeks.

It also has the ability to detect vibrations as shown in the anime. Arbok has been known to be capable of spending long periods underwater and surviving in aquatic environments. One particular Arbok could change its pattern at any time to increase power to different stats and get invulnerability to status conditions, if the pattern is uncovered. Arbok is territorial. It lashes out at intruders with long fangs tipped with deadly venom. Vengeful in nature, it will not give up a chase once it targets its prey or an opponent, no matter how far.

It makes its home in grassy savannas and plains, but it can also be found in forests and desolate wastelands alongside its pre-evolved form Ekans.

When hunting, it uses the pattern on its hood to immobilize prey, then it begins constricting them, and it finally poisons the target to finish them off and eat them. It is also capable of paralyzing opponents with its former signature move, Glare.

It is covered in yellow fur with two horizontal brown stripes on its back. It has a small mouth, long, pointed ears with black tips, and brown eyes. Each cheek is a red circle that contains a pouch for electricity storage. It has short forearms with five fingers on each paw, and its feet each have three toes. At the base of its lightning bolt-shaped tail is a patch of brown fur. A female will have a V-shaped notch at the end of its tail, which looks like the top of a heart.

It is classified as a quadruped, but it has been known to stand and walk on its hind legs. The anime has shown that wild Pikachu live in groups in forested areas. Pikachu communicate amongst themselves using squeaks and tail-shaking as friendly gestures. In the anime, Alolan Pikachu are known to greet each other by sniffing one another and rubbing their tails together. It raises its tail to check its surroundings and is occasionally struck by lightning in this position.

When groups grow, they can inadvertently cause lightning storms. Pikachu forage for Berries, which it roasts with electricity to make them tender enough to eat. A sure sign that Pikachu inhabits a location is patches of burnt grass. It has been observed eating and sometimes destroying telephone poles, wires, and other electronic equipment. By occasion, it can get unintentionally swallowed by Cramorant.

While startled, it looks for ways to escape from the latter. In the mouth of CramorantPikachu charges itself while sleeping overnight, though stress and a lack of sleep can affect this. It is able to release electric discharges of varying intensity. Pikachu has been known to build up energy in its glands, which it will need to discharge to avoid complications.

It is also able to release energy through its tail, which acts as a grounding rod, as well as recharging fellow Pikachu with electric shocks. Pikachu can also electrify itself to use its signature move Volt Tackle. It is always female, has a black heart-shaped spot at the end of its tail, and can be dressed in any of five outfits corresponding to the five Contest conditions.

It is always male and has eight variants, each wearing one of Ash’s hats from the anime. In addition to these two forms, many other Pikachu variants have appeared in various media.

This Pikachu can be either gender, has higher base stats, and has access to moves that normal Pikachu do not. As Gigantamax Pikachu, it becomes larger and chubbier. Its tail becomes longer and becomes capable of storing all of the electricity it generates, causing it to glow a bright yellow and enabling it to become as powerful as a lightning strike. Three red clouds float around the tail.

Its power is equal to that a power plant, however, it is difficult to use it in peoples’ homes since Pikachu can only remain in its Gigantamax form for a short time. Raichu is covered in dark orange fur with a white belly. Its bifurcated ears are brown on the outside, yellow on the insides, and end in a distinctive curl. There is a circular yellow marking on each cheek where its electric sacs are, and it has a triangular, dark brown nose.

Its arms and feet have patches of brown fur at the end, and the soles of its long feet are tan with a circular orange pad in the center. On its back are two horizontal brown stripes. Its long, thin tail has a lightning bolt-shaped end. This lightning bolt is chipped on females. Raichu exudes a weak electrical charge from all its body and glows slightly in the dark. Raichu’s tail is used to gather electricity from the atmosphere, or it can be planted in the ground to search for electricity.

It also protects Raichu from its own high voltage power. Raichu can store over , volts of electricity, enough to knock out a Copperajah. If Raichu’s sacs are fully charged, its ears will stand straight up and its muscles become stimulated. However, it will become aggressive if it has stored too much electricity and stress. To keep from reaching this state, it discharges electricity through its tail into the ground. This leads to scorched patches near its nest.

Being the result of evolution via Evolution stone, Raichu is rarely found in the wild, though they can be found in forests and woodlands. The main reason Raichu is rarely seen in the wild is because people prefer the look it had as Pikachu. Like its pre-evolved forms, Raichu is able to learn Volt Tackle as a signature move.

In Alola, Raichu has lighter coloring and more rounded features. Its eyes are blue with yellow half-circles along the bottom. It has large yellow ears with an inner spiral toward the base and brown on the inside. These ears are thicker and less pointed than a standard Raichu’s ear.

In addition to its white belly, Alolan Raichu has white markings on its paws with bright yellow lines between its digits. The stripes on its back have also turned white, and there is a small, white circular marking on each heel. The lightning bolt-shaped tip of its tail has rounded edges.

By collecting its psychic power in its tail, it is able to ride it like a surfboard and float in the air. While its cheek sacs are still used to store electricity, rubbing them releases a sweet aroma while also getting a light shock.

This is also thought to be connected to its Psychic abilities. Alolan Raichu’s origins were initially a mystery at the time. The people of Alola suggested it ate too many sweet and fluffy pancakes. It is also believed the weather and climate of the Alola region played a role in the transformation.

Alolan Raichu is capable of unleashing star-shaped thunderbolts. Alolan Raichu is also known by the name hodad. Its brick-patterned yellow hide is dry, tough, blends in with desert sand, and protects its soft white underbelly and muzzle. Sandshrew has blue, almond-shaped eyes, a pointed snout, and triangular ears with white insides. Its tail is thick and conical. It has two long claws on each foot and three sharp claws on its forepaws, which are used to burrow.

Sandshrew spends much of its time hidden underground in deep burrows. Sandshrew can quickly curl into a tight ball to protect itself from great falls and opponents, but may also throw sand at attackers.

While its body can efficiently absorb water to facilitate life in the desert, Sandshrew has been found in caves as well. It also lives deep underground in nests it has created from digging tunnels. Should hard rocks get in the way of digging, Sandshrew will use its sharp claws to remove them before continuing to dig. If it is too wet, its skin becomes wrinkly. It dries itself out by using the geothermal heat near a volcano.

In the Alola region, Sandshrew migrated to snowy mountains due to the volcanic activity near the desert areas. Its body is a light, icy blue, with a cream-colored belly and muzzle. This results in Sandshrew developing a body of ice that is as hard as steel. Thicker plates form a dome around its head and its ears resemble an igloo’s entrances.

In adapting to this cold climate, its body became larger and heavier with a shell of ice covering its hide. This steel-like covering grants it extra defense from predators like Sneasel, but it is unable to curl into a ball like its desert counterpart. It can burrow itself in the snow to avoid being blown away by blizzards.

Predators, such as Weavile, exploit of its soft underbelly. Alolan Sandshrew’s claws allow it to move without slipping on icy surfaces, but it slides on its stomach when it needs to move quickly. Although Sandslash is usually bipedal, it can run on all fours. Most of its underside is light yellow with a white underbelly. Music Facilities: 3 classrooms; 6 practice rooms; state-of-the-art recording studio with a performance area.

The Junior House provides a specialist music educ with astrong emphasis on Catholic liturgical music for boys betweeen the ages of 7 and In addition to an intensive music educ programme, music scholars receive free tuition in one inst. The scholarships are awarded for the duration of a boy s educ at the London Oratory School. Awards: Inst scholarships and bursaries available. Music activities: Schola, choral society, chmbr choir, three orchs, concert band. No of pupils: 80 jr house ; 11 16 ; 6th form.

No of pupils: 50 in music school; learning insts in main school. Hostel facilities available. Age range: Termly Fees: None. Music activities: Concert band, gospel choir, Madrigalis choir , jazz band, pop and rock groups and NSG academy. Facillities inc an outside performance space and new rehearsal rooms. BTEC first certificate offered at Yr 9 as fast track 1 yr course to students.

Orch, str orch, swing band, choir, wind grp and other smaller ens. Students have formed their own groups and regularly perform to other pupils; musicals every 2 yrs, Christmas and summer concerts and other regular performances.

All girls 11 16, mixed sixth form. Language and music specialisms. Awards: 1 scholarship and significant subsidies for inst tuition. Music activities: School has released 5 albums and 2 singles inc a release on itunes ; choirs have performed at the London Palladium, Wembley Stadium and at rugby and football internationals, as well as featuring on national radio and TV.

Activities inc 3 choirs, orch, concert band and many chmbr ens. Choirs have sung evensong at several cathedrals inc Westminster Abbey and Canterbury. No of pupils: , studying insts. Selective state school, selecting at Awards: 20 places available based on musical ability.

Year 7 music scholarships and bursaries of one-off payments up to Some free inst tuition and subsidised theory tuition, equipment and additional support. Music activities: 17 ens inc 3 choirs, 2 wind bands, 3 str orchs, big band, symph orch, 2 Indian music ens. UK or foreign tours every other yr. No of pupils: c Termly Fees: None. Extra-curricular includes jazz, string and brass groups, choir, orchestra and musical theatre.

Girls selective school with Specialist Music Status. School operates as centre for AL music tuition within the Canterbury schools consortium. Variety of styles and genres taught inc rock, folk, klezmer, jazz, African and contemporary music, as well as standard choral and orch. The school prepares for careers in the performing arts and music. Other courses at post- 16 inc musical theatre, theatre, dance, tech theatre production, visual arts and broadcast and digital communications.

Age range: Termly Fees: Nil. Awards: Music School Trust for students in need. Music activities: Full range of insts, orch, band, choral, chmbr, trad, jazz and contemporary music and comp inc electronic.

No of pupils: Age range: Termly Fees: Free; entry by audition. Music activities: Large choir around members , several orchs, jr singers Y7 and 8 only , inst lessons. Comp in residence; also links with the Sing Up programme. Awards: 6th form music scholarships up to Music activities: Strong choral tradition: main choir tours abroad each year; Chorisma and Year 7 choir for younger students; N.

Chant, sr chmbr choir. Stage production and several concerts presented each yr. Musical links with local primary schools and a school for autistic students. Boys State Grammar School with specialist performing arts status. Awards: Bursaries for instrumental lessons available on application. Music activities: Tiffin Boys Choir; many choral groups inc oratorio chorus and close harmony.

Thames Youth Orchestra based at Tiffin; large structure of inst ens, inc 2 orchs, many jr and intermediate str, ww and br groups, concert band and the Tiffin Swing Band. No of pupils: Age range: Termly Fees: None; interview required for 6th form entry. Co-ed voluntary C of E high school. Music activities: 1st and 2nd orchs, str orch, concert band, str quartets, school Specialist Choir Schools Anglican Choir Schools choir, chmbr choir, jazz band, gospel choir, band academy.

No of pupils: ; 19 choristers. Age range: Termly Fees: Non fee-paying specialist Academy. Also choristerships for Worcester College. Age 7, voice trials as advertised and on request Music activities: Choir concerts, recordings, tours; 2 choirs, orch, wind band, musical drama.

Age range: 3 13 nursery 3 4, pre-prep 4 7, prep 8 Usual age under 9 at voice trial by arrangement. Music scholarships also available for non-choristers. Music activities: School choir, jr choir, orch, str ens, big band, ww, br, guis, rcdr group. No of pupils: 18 boy choristers; 18 girl choristers; non-choristers. Age range: Termly Fees: day ; boarding.

Awards: Choral scholarship for entry at 11, tenable at the Chapel and Hampton School. Age 8 10, voice trials by arrangement. Music activities: 2 orchs, chmbr choir, choral soc, chmbr music, 2 concert bands, regular productions of musicals.

No of pupils: 18 choristers; non-choristers. Age range: 2 11 jr , sr. Day boys and girls. Dyslexia centre, 33 peripatetic music teachers. Age 6 7 at voice trials Jan. King s College Chapel.

No of pupils: 27 boy boarders; day boys and girls. Age range: Termly Fees: pre-prep , day , boarding , choristers. Age 8 10 at entry. Music scholarships at 11, and No of pupils: 22 choristers; nonchoristers.

Also pre-prep school for ages 3 8. Awards: A number of choral scholarships for Rochester Cathedral choir for prep-school children.

Other awards available. Music activities: Choirs, orchs, bands and wind groups perform in Rochester Cathedral and variety of concerts. Prep school on same site shares music facilities. Rochester Cathedral choristers are drawn from the school. No of pupils: day; 52 boarding; studying inst. Termly Fees: day , boarding. School type: Co-ed. Age 7 9, voice trials Dec. Music activities: Concerts, broadcasts and choir tours.

No of pupils: day. Age range: Termly Fees: day. Awards: 18 choral scholarships. Regular concerts, Music productions, Music competitions. Occasional Cathedral choir tours abroad.

No of pupils: 21 choristers; non-choristers. Day and boarding. Age 7 9 at Feb voice trial, or at other times when candidates are ready. Other music scholarships available inc girls choir. Music activities: School orch, wind band, br ens, girls choir. Occasional cathedral choir tours abroad. No of pupils: 18 choristers; 4 probationers; nonchoristers. Age range: Termly Fees: day , boarding. Assemblies, major termly concerts in Cathedral. Term Fees: Prep: day , weekly board , termly board.

Senior: day , weekly board , termly board. MCS is a friendly, inclusive and highly distinctive school in the heart of Oxford. Music scholarships; exhibitions and tuition awards for entry into Year 9 and into Sixth Form. Music activities: 3 orchs, string orch, choral soc, madrigal choir, jr choir, sixth form choir, samba band, 2 jazz bands, close harmony groups, perc ens, br and ww ens, numerous chambr ens.

No of pupils: 16 choristers; non-choristers. Age range: Boys: Girls: Termly Fees: 5, Awards: Chorister places at greatly reduced fees. Age 6 at Sep voice trial. Music activities: Joint concerts with local groups, 2 choirs in school, orch groups, Sat music school, jr str and rcdr groups; individual tuition in most orch insts.

No of pupils: 22 choristers; non-choristers. Age range: Termly Fees: day , choristers. Day and weekly boarding. Weekly boarding available for children aged After school care and occasional boarding. Age 7 9; voice trials Jan.

Music activities: Rcdrs, chmbr groups, orch, music productions, school choir, ens. Voice trials: Jan boys , Feb girls. Music activities: Orch, 4 school choirs, many inst ens. No of pupils: 44 choristers and probationers; non-choristers; day; 30 boarding. Awards: Up to 23 choral scholarship places worth pa. Age 6 9 at voice trials in Nov and Mar. No of pupils: 23 choristers; nonchoristers; day; 26 boarding. Age 7 11, voice trials by appointment.

Age 8 14, voice trials by appointment. Music activities: Sr and prep school orch, jazz ens, str ens, ww ens, sr school chmbr choir, sr girls choir, close harmony group; also termly concerts and music, art and drama festival. Age under 10 at voice trial. Further bursaries up to full fees available. Music activities: 5 choirs, 30 chmbr ens, concerts a yr. Boys and girls, 9 13, entry by audition each term. Advisory auditions by arrangement at any time. Music activities: St Mary s choir has many outside engagements, broadcasts, recordings and tours.

No of pupils: 22 choristers. Awards: 40 places for boarding choristers. Voice trials held throughout year for boys aged 6 8. Music activities: orchs, ens and chmbr groups; day pupils choirs. All choristers learn 2 insts. No of pupils: 36 boarding choristers; day boys and girls; 62 pre-prep boys and girls.

Choral scholarships for girls worth up to pa, age 7 11 at voice trial. Voice trials for boys and girls held each time. Music activities: Orchs, chmbr orch, ens, choirs and chmbr choir. Professional concerts given and competitions entered. No of pupils: 18 boy choristers, 17 girl choristers, non-choristers. Age range: Termly Fees: nursery , yrs 1 2 , yrs 3 4 , yrs 5 6 , yrs 7 Age 7 9 at May, Nov voice trial and by appointment.

Music activities: Orch, wind ens, string ens, separate school choir, chapel choir. Age range: Termly Fees: day , choristers , boarding. No of pupils: 43 choristers; non-choristers. King s is a successful co-educational independent day school for girls and boys aged 3 18 years. Awards:music, sport, art and performing arts. Music activities: Orch, jr orch, swing band, str group, intermediate str group, choral soc, school choir, madrigal group, str quartet and many other ens.

Termly Fees: 2, 5, Voice trials and inst auditions Mar Jun, age Music activities: 3 choirs, 2 orchs, 2 concert bands, jazz band, other ens. No of pupils: 12 full choristers, 4 probationers, 1 jr; non-choristers. Annual chorister auditions for boys and girls aged under 9. Music activities: Orch, choir, chmbr ens, wind band, str orch. No of pupils: 47 choristers; nonchoristers.

Music activities: 2 professional choirs, 3 chool choirs; full range of orchs, inst groups and tuition. Age 7 9 at voice trials held whenever a vacancy occurs in the choir.

Music activities: 3 orchs, 4 choirs, 18 other ens, 20 visiting inst staff. No of pupils: 18 boarding choristers; day, 16 boarding non-choristers. Age range: Termly Fees: choristers ; day ; weekly boarding ; full boarding. Age between 8 and 10, voice trials Jan. Music activities: Tuition in all orch insts, kb, gui and voice; chmbr music, orch coaching and aural training.

No of pupils: 18 boy choristers; 20 girl choristers; non-choristers. Age range: Termly Fees: Annual Fees: 11, 14, day , 19, 23, boarding. Only school in country educating only boy choristers. Awards: 34 places, all for boarding boy choristers. Entry by voice trial held at various times during the year.

Generous scholarships from the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. Music activities: Westminster Abbey choir and school orch; numerous inst ens. Age range: Termly Fees: full boarding. Pupils can benefit from grants awarded annually to Music Award Holders, with assessments held in First and Third Form. The title and associated grant often continue over multiple years, with an annual review.

Music Award Holders are expected to take a leading role in Music and act as ambassadors for Cokethorpe; they can also expect extra support from the Music Department as they move up through the Senior School. Music activities: Choral and inst training, underpinned by RC traditions. Schola undertakes concert and recording work, sings mass at Brompton Oratory on sat during term time and on major feast days throughout the yr; other school activities incl choral society, chmbr choir, three orchs and concert band.

No of pupils: 80 jr house; yrs; 6th form. Informal auditions throughout the year, usually while a child is in Y2 3 at primary school. Music activities: Cathedral jr choir for boys; choirs, orch, Big Bash! Musical dramatic productions and inst ens. Several concerts and services pa. Music activities: Cathedral choirs men and boys, jr girls choir, sr girls choir, chmbr choir consisting of sr boys and girls ; concert orch; training orch, br and wind ens; rcdr consort; regular largescale, dramatic productions; outside engagements; broadcasts; recordings; tours.

Preparation for Oxbridge choral awards. Awards: Music Scholarships Choral or Instrumental are available to children going into Years 6, 7 or 8. Two instruments are required for instrumental scholarships.

Music activities: Boy trebles provide the top line in the Ampleforth Abbey Schola Cantorum; the Schola SanctiMartini girls years 5 8 are trained separately and sing at a weekly service in the Abbey church. Opportunity to tour. Orch and various inst ens. Makoto Matsuura and Mr.

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Elmedia es un caballo de batalla entre los reproductores de video para Mac. VLC Media Player 1. Mplayer para Mac. Mejor reproductor de video para Mac en kb failed to installsprint galaxy s6 marshmallow updatetotal war warhammer minor factionsfresco logic xhci usb3 root hub driver windows 7sharp mx n drivernvidia 3d movie playerdestiny taken king pre orderdoes toshiba satellite l have bluetoothaiseesoft total media converter pro 3 r2.

By The-Catster Watch. Comments 2. Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In. You can use these free icons and png images for your photoshop design, documents, web sites, art projects or google presentations, powerpoint templates. Search “Dragon Ball” icons – Dragon Ball icons found.

Dragon Ball. Dragon Ball GT. Dragon Ball Z. DBZ Tortue Genial. Dragonball Goku. Capsule Corp Lot. Capsule Corp.

Capsule Corp Ball7. DBZ Eau Sacree. DBZ Fortuneteller Baba. DBZ Lunch. DBZ Mr Popo. DBZ Oolon. DBZ Radar. Eau Sacree. Obviously, this mod will make your Minecraft game much more interesting. At the same time, it also gives you the opportunity to meet the Saiyans again, explore the planet Namek, Majin. Bandai S. Here I am several months later cleaning out some stuff on my PC and I found the folder. Now you can give a Dragon Ball look to your desktop or application thanks to this pack of icons featuring the main characters of Dragon Ball.

The icons included in the pack are the ones of Goku, Freexer, Bubu, the one-star magic ball and the magic cloud. Featured Windows Themes.

Select a theme, click Download and run the theme pack to activate the theme. Installation is. Offering an eye-catching virtual celebration of beloved manga anthology, Weekly Shonen Jump, it looked to gather together fan favourite fighters from series like Dragon Ball, One Piece, Naruto and Death other words, this big-eyed brawler seemed primed to become the Super Smash Bros.

Dragon Ball Super. Dragon Ball Evolve. Dragon Stars. Final Blast. Limit Breaker Series. Charaction CUBE. Bandit – Drugs. Pogchamp Man. What’s in the Canister? Klarer Sieger. Glaz – Details. Starcraft Siege. Upload 3 files and create your very own Rainbow Six Siege soundboard to truly personalize the experience. The franchise began with Clancy’s novel Rainbow Six, which was adapted into a series of tactical first-person shooter video games.

Rainbow six games focus on tactical action. In doing so, the player is forced to use the squad he has under his command and use tactics. On this Rainbow Six soundboard, we have put together a collection of the best sounds and sayings from all games. Home Games tom clancy rainbow six siege. This is the ultimate Duke Nukem soundboard, with new stuff added as I find it. All of the classic o dank memes. This is for Windows XP bit computers only. Verdict: A simple, effective and resource-friendly way to keep your computer free from malware infections.

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