Configuring microsoft office 2013 every time free download


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I have just installed Office as an upgrade from Office and every time I open an Office application I get the following message:. I have tried to follow the solutions provided for Office , particularly Microsoft article ID ; Method 1 did not solve the problem and using Method 2 the Fix It was not applicable and as I am using Windows 7, I was unsure how to manually apply the fix.

Hello – I solved this problem. Source of problem was in Windows Search Search service. Of course you can re-enable Windows Serach service. Unfortunately, I was premature in thinking the problem was solved. I rebooted my computer this morning and the first time I opened Outlook , the configuration message started again. I’m beginning to think that a complete removal of Office and a clean install is the best option at the moment.

I have a same problem, after install offices pro plus and actived it. I open Word, Exel, Outlook is have all the same problem is “configuration process.. I was try uninstall, reinstall but too. I think that impossible fix this problem.

I have the same problem, the only way i found, it is to disable the indexing process for outlook. That prompted a reboot. I did try the above mentioned steps but i am facing this error message ‘we are sorry but this feature appears to be broken. You need to repair microsoft office from control panel. I have tried to repair, reinstall, and doing everything but still the problem is same I also have this problem, and I noticed that MS has not responded.

I have a subscription with Priority Support, so maybe they will look into it if I have to post a seperate thread, I will post back here if I get a solution.

I have tried removing and restoring the search service without success. I ran Process Monitor, hoping to be able to find where Office is finding the setting that tells it that installation isn’t finished. Unfortunately, when starting Process Monitor just before starting Word and stopping it as soon as Word was ready to run, it saved over 6 million events, of which 65K were from the Winword.

So, after a few hours of tryng to filter down the results, I gave up. Below is the answer I got from Max Meng a forum moderator when I posted a new question it looks like I am going to have to completely uninstall and reinstall to see if that fixes it, but maybe this will help someone else.

The thread this comes from is:. I thought restoring all security settings to default values was interesting. I noticed that I had some issues in my registry that prevented the SecEdit command from completing properly, but even when I had cleared them up, I still haven’t fixed the problem. I am also checking into possible interaction with Dragon Naturally Speaking does anyone else who has the problem have that installed?

Here is what Max told me:. Not sure if you have tried to repair your Office, if no, please try to repair your Office as a quick fix. Try start Office in safe mode, see if this problem will still persists. If the problem does not occur in safe mode, this issue might be related to third-party add-ins. Disable the add-ins and start Office to see whether the problem continues to occur.

If the problem continues to occur in safe mode, we recommend that you uninstall Office and then install it. To do this, read the following Microsoft knowledge base article:. Have tried nearly all the suggestions and have not any success.

Only much frustration in trying to solve this issue with three computers with W-7 upgrades, and all with the problem. First: I found a good reason to go back to Word Perfect. After a week with WP I wonder why I ever switched. I got lucky that two of them didn’t have this problem, but it happened on my desktop. It’s a horrendous issue. I don’t want to wait 3 minutes for an Office application to start up.

That’s why I paid for new computers and new Office. What is office installing ever single time it opens. But the related registry hacks for other applications do not work in Windows 8. Disabling Windows Search doesn’t do anything at all. The Microsoft clean-up tool didn’t remove every bit of office and reinstalling did nothing except now the registry hack doesn’t work for Word either.

Thanks, had the same issue. Not sure if this post will help anyone but I thought I should put up anyway as I’ve also had this issue and tried all documented fixes which haven’t helped. I’ve also had the issue with previous versions but only ever seems to happen when I have upgraded office to a newer version. I initially removed any applications that I didn’t need then removed Office After you do the normal install it will find all reg settings and give you the option to remove them.

I removed them all. I chose to remove all of these too. This has been a very frustrating issue for me as well, I was at the point of reinstalling Windows until I found the following, fixed all my problems:.

For those of you who have combed the Internet for hours looking for a solution, trying everything in this thread, and still getting nowhere just like me, here is something to try. I had a situation where Microsoft Word would run the Office configuration process, seem to finish saying that you need to restart the program to apply changes, and then exit Word.

Upon restarting Word, it would repeat this cycle all over again, and did it every single time no matter what I did. I re-installed, I repaired, I tried registry settings, security settings, disabling Window Search; all to no avail. Strangely, this was happening only to Word. Excel, Powerpoint, etc. Finally, out of desperation, I looked at the file properties of the Word executable. For some strange reason, the file had a compatibility mode set on it, and it was set to Windows Vista I am running Win7.

Once I removed that setting, it resolved my problem. I certainly did not make any changes to set the file that way, and so it must have been the Office installation that did it, as it kept doing it upon the many repeated re-installatioms. I spent so many hours trying to fix this MS Office problem Nothing would work This Windows Repair tool suggested by GreatLife did it all!

It also fixed a huge annoying issue between the Lync and the Outlook where the Outlook wouldn’t recognize the “Online Meeting Add-in by Lync ” saying that it is not a valid add-in.

That worked for me, thanks the “norereg” registry entry. I had to do the same thing in Office All other forums are suggesting to add following registry. Just to Uninstall Anything related to office e. I realize this is an older post I’m replying to – however, I am having the same problem. This solution worked for word. However I need the reg add for outlook, excel and powerpoint. Can anyone provide? Technically, You have to double check your registry first whenever you want to install another version of Office.

I got the same problem when I recovered my system, and the following process solved the problem for me. Tried many of the suggestions from this site and others on the web. We had the configuration window opening for all of our Office applications. Nothing else worked for the other apps. Besides this site has been useful to me in particular windows 10 updates repair.

Thank you soo much!! For me work this solution in Windows 7 x64 :. Vorticity24 – After a couple of months trying to get this fixed, using the many solutions – posted here and many other sites, this is the one that worked for me.

I however missed step 6, so I was prepared to start over if it didn’t work. After reinstalling and starting Word, Excel, Access I was waiting for one to give me the dreaded “configuring Nope – just plain worked!

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Configuring microsoft office 2013 every time free download

Every time that you open a Microsoft Office application, such as Outlook , you receive the following message: Please wait while windows configures Microsoft Office Professional Plus Resolution. To resolve this issue, use one or more of the following methods in the order in which they appear in: Method 1. Apr 18,  · Microsoft Office Assistance + For USA & Canada Only. Microsoft Office opening configuring progress on opening word/excel/PowerPoint/outlook etc. How to fix windows is configuring Microsoft office error: If you are stuck with the problem Windows is configuring Microsoft Office or Configuration Progress? Here is the solution, if. in this video tutorial i am show how to fix Microsof.


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