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Dalam konteks Indonesia pada masyarakat tertentu yang mungkin terbatas pendidikannya atau yang mungkin rentan memberikan informed consent secara tertulis maka informed consent dapat dilakukan secara lisan dan direkam. Informed consent yang berkaitan dengan proses penelitian psikologi terdapat pada pasal 42 sedangkan yang berkait dengan asesmen psikologi terdapat pada pasal 55 dan yang berkaitan dengan terapi psikologi pada pasal 60 dalam kode etik ini. Apabila Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dilarang oleh organisasi peminta layanan untuk memberikan hasil informasi kepada orang yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi, maka hal tersebut harus diinformasikan sejak awal proses pemberian layanan psikologi berlangsung.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menyadari pentingnya perencanaan kegiatan dan menyiapkan langkah-langkah yang perlu dilakukan bila terjadi hal-hal yang dapat menyebabkan pelayanan psikologi mengalami penghentian, terpaksa dihentikan atau dialihkan kepada pihak lain.
Sebelum layanan psikologi dialihkan atau dihentikan pelayanan tersebut dengan alasan apapun, hendaknya dibahas bersama antara Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dengan penerima layanan psikologi kecuali kondisinya tidak memungkinkan.
Jenis Rekam Psikologi adalah rekam psikologi lengkap dan rekam psikologi terbatas. Pelaksanaan dalam hal ini harus di bawah pengawasannya, yang dapat dalam bentuk tertulis atau lainnya. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi wajib memegang teguh rahasia yang menyangkut klien atau pengguna layanan psikologi dalam hubungan dengan pelaksanaan kegiatannya. Penggunaan keterangan atau data mengenai pengguna layanan psikologi atau orang yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi yang diperoleh Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam rangka pemberian layanan Psikologi, hendaknya mematuhi hal-hal sebagai berikut;.
Dalam kondisi tersebut indentitas orang yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi tetap dijaga kerahasiaannya. Seandainya data orang yang menjalani layanan jasa dan atau praktik psikologi harus dimasukkan ke data dasar data base atau sistem pencatatan yang dapat diakses pihak lain yang tidak dapat diterima oleh yang bersangkutan maka Ilmuwan Psikologi dan atau Psikolog harus menggunakan kode atau cara lain yang dapat melindungi orang tersebut dari kemungkinan untuk bisa dikenali.
Data hasil pemberian layanan psikologi hanya dapat digunakan untuk tujuan ilmiah atau profesional. Ilmuwan Psikologi dan Psikolog tidak saling berbagi untuk hal-hal yang seharusnya menjadi rahasia pengguna layanan psikologi peserta riset, atau pihak manapun yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi , kecuali dengan izin yang bersangkutan atau pada situasi dimana kerahasiaan itu memang tidak mungkin ditutupi.
Saling berbagi informasi hanya diperbolehkan kalau diperlukan untuk pencapaian tujuan konsultasi, itupun sedapat mungkin tanpa menyebutkan identitas atau cara pengungkapan lain yang dapat dikenali sebagai indentitas pihak tertentu.
Dalam hal ini, pencatatan atau pemotongan pajak mengikuti aturan sesuai hukum yang berlaku. Data dan informasi hasil pemeriksaan psikologi bila diperlukan untuk kepentingan pendidikan, data harus disajikan sebagaimana adanya dengan menyamarkan nama orang atau lembaga yang datanya digunakan.
Iklan dan Pernyataan publik yang dimaksud dalam pasal ini dapat berhubungan dengan jasa, produk atau publikasi profesional Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi di bidang psikologi, mencakup iklan yang dibayar atau tidak dibayar, brosur, barang cetakan, daftar direktori, resume pribadi atau curriculum vitae, wawancara atau komentar yang dimuat dalam media, pernyataan dalam buku, hasil seminar, lokakarya, pertemuan ilmiah, kuliah, presentasi lisan di depan publik, dan materi-materi lain yang diterbitkan.
Pernyataan tersebut harus disampaikan dengan ;. Bila mengetahui adanya pernyataan yang tergolong penipuan atau pemalsuan terhadap karya mereka yang dilakukan orang lain, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi berusaha untuk menjelaskan kebenarannya. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikolog bertanggung jawab atas pengumuman, katalog, brosur atau iklan, seminar atau program non gelar yang dilakukannya.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi memastikan bahwa hal yang diberitakan tersebut menggambarkan secara akurat tentang tujuan, kemampuan tentang pelatih, instruktur, supervisor dan biaya yang terkait. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam memberikan keterangan pada publik melalui media cetak atau elektronik harus berhati-hati untuk memastikan bahwa pernyataan tersebut:.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam menjelaskan kemampuan atau keahliannya harus bersikap jujur, wajar, bijaksana dan tidak berlebihan dengan memperhatikan ketentuan yang berlaku untuk menghindari kekeliruan penafsiran di masyarakat.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjunjung tinggi profesionalitas dan senantiasa terus meningkatkan kompetensinya. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi perlu dihargai dengan imbalan sesuai profesionalitas dan kompetensinya.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus memberitahu pihak yang bersangkutan terlebih dahulu bahwa tindakan tersebut akan dilakukan, serta memberi kesempatan untuk dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan sebelum tindakan hukum dilakukan. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi membagi imbalan dengan profesional lain, atasan atau bawahan, pembayaran terhadap masing-masing harus berdasarkan jasa dan atau praktik yang diberikan dan sudah diatur sebelum pelaksanaan pelayanan psikologi dilakukan.
Psikolog dan atau Psikologi memastikan keakuratan data dan laporan pemeriksaan psikologi kepada pembayar jasa atau sumber. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dapat menerima benda atau imbalan non uang dari pengguna layanan psikologi sebagai imbalan atas pelayanan psikologi yang diberikan hanya jika tidak bertentangan dengan kode etik dan pengaturan yang dihasilkan tidak eksploitatif.
Standar ini tidak membatasi pendidik atau pelatih untuk memodifikasi isi program pendidikan atau persyaratan jika dari sisi pendidikan dipandang penting atau dibutuhkan, selama peserta didik diberitahukan akan adanya perubahan dalam rangka memungkinkan mereka untuk memenuhi persyaratan pendidikan.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi mengambil langkah yang tepat guna memastikan rencana pendidikan dan atau pelatihannya berdasar perkembangan kemajuan pengetahuan terkini dan sesuai dengan materi yang akan dibahas. Hal tersebut tidak diberlakukan, kecuali jika :. Bila suatu terapi individual atau kelompok merupakan persyaratan dalam suatu program atau pengajaran, psikolog bertanggung jawab bahwa program terapi tersebut tersedia. Terapi yang disyaratkan tersebut diberikan oleh praktisi atau ahli terapi dalam bidangnya yang tidak berhubungan dengan program atau pengajaran tersebut.
Pengajar yang bertanggung jawab terhadap evaluasi dan prestasi akademik mahasiswa tidak boleh memberikan terapi yang disyaratkan. Informasi mengenai proses tersebut diberikan pada awal pengawasan. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam melaksanakan penelitian diawali dengan menyusun dan menuliskan rencana penelitian sedemikian rupa dalam proposal dan protokol penelitian sehingga dapat dipahami oleh pihak-pihak lain yang berkepentingan.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi membuat desain penelitian, melaksanakan, melaporkan hasilnya yang disusun sesuai dengan standar atau kompetensi ilmiah dan etik. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi memperhatikan dan bertanggung jawab atas etika penelitian dalam merencanakan, melaksanakan dan melaporkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan atau yang dilakukan pihak lain di bawah bimbingannya.
Konsultasi yang dimaksud dapat meliputi yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi dan kewenangan misalnya badan-badan resmi pemerintah dan swasta, organisasi profesi lain, komite khusus, kelompok sejawat, kelompok seminat, atau melalui mekanisme lain.
Dalam hal ini termasuk izin penelitian dari instansi terkait dan dari pemangku wewenang dari wilayah dan badan setempat yang menjadi lokasi. Pelanggaran terhadap hal ini dan adanya tindakan penyalahgunaan wewenang dapat dikenai butir pelanggaran seperti tercantum dalam pasal dan bagian-bagian lain dari Kode Etik ini misalnya pelecehan seksual dan bentuk pelecehan lain. Sebelum pengambilan data penelitian tetapi setelah memperoleh izin penelitian Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan pada calon partisipan penelitian dengan menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana dan istilah-istilah yang dipahami masyarakat umum tentang penelitian yang akan dilakukan.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan kepada calon partisipan asas kesediaan sebagai partisipan penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa keikutsertaan dalam penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat sukarela, sehingga memungkinkan pengunduran diri atau penolakan untuk terlibat. Partisipan harus menyatakan kesediaannya seperti yang dijelaskan pada pasal yang mengatur tentang itu.
Dalam rangka mendapat persetujuan dari calon partisipan, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan proses penelitian. Secara lebih terinci informasi yang penting untuk disampaikan adalah :. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan sifat dari penelitian tersebut, berikut risiko, kewajiban dan keterbatasannya. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi sebelum merekam suara atau gambar Untuk pengumpulan data harus memperoleh izin tertulis dari partisipan penelitian.
Persetujuan tidak diperlukan bila perekaman murni untuk kepentingan observasi alamiah di tempat umum dan diantisipasi tidak akan berimplikasi teridentifikasi atau terancamnya kesejahteraan atau keselamatan partisipan penelitian atau pihak-pihak terkait. Bila pada suatu penelitian dibutuhkan perekaman tersembunyi, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi melakukan perekaman dengan tetap meminimalkan risiko yang diantisipasi dapat terjadi pada partisipan, dan penjelasan mengenai kepentingan perekaman disampaikan dalam debriefing.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi tidak harus meminta persetujuan partisipan penelitian, hanya jika penelitian melibatkan individu secara anonim atau dengan kata lain tidak melibatkan individu secara pribadi dan diasumsikan tidak ada risiko gangguan pada kesejahteraan atau keselamatan, serta bahaya-bahaya lain pada partisipan penelitian atau pihak-pihak terkait.
Penelitian yang tidak harus memerlukan persetujuan partisipan antara lain adalah:. Penjelasan harus diberikan sedini mungkin agar calon partisipan dapat mengambil keputusan yang terbaik untuk terlibat atau tidak dalam penelitian.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi memperhatikan peraturan Negara dan standar profesional apabila menggunakan hewan sebagai objek penelitian. Standar profesional yang dimaksud diantaranya bekerjasama atau berkonsultasi dengan ahli yang kompeten.
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah:. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang sedang melakukan penelitian dengan hewan perlu memastikan bahwa semua orang yang terlibat dalam penelitiannya telah menerima petunjuk mengenai metode penelitian, perawatan dan penanganan hewan yang digunakan, sebatas keperluan penelitian, dan sesuai perannya.
Hal tersebut dimaksudkan untuk menghindari kekeliruan penafsiran serta menyesatkan masyarakat pengguna jasa psikologi. Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah :. Ketentuan ini tidak termasuk data yang dipublikasi ulang jika disertai dengan penjelasan yang memadai. Untuk kepentingan ini, sejawat atau profesional lain yang memerlukan data tersebut wajib mengajukan persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya. Karya cipta yang dimaksud dapat berbentuk penelitian, buku teks, alat tes atau bentuk lainnya harus dihargai dan dalam pemanfaatannya memperhatikan ketentuan perundangan mengenai hak cipta atau hak intelektual yang berlaku.
Penyajian sebagian atau keseluruhan elemen substansial dari pekerjaan orang lain tidak dapat diklaim sebagai miliknya, termasuk bila pekerjaan atau sumber data lain itu sesekali disebutkan sebagai sumber. Kepemilikan atas posisi struktural institusional, misalnya kepala bagian atau pemimpin lembaga, tidak membenarkan pencantuman nama yang bersangkutan bila ia memang tidak berkontribusi nyata dalam penelitian atau penulisan.
Mahasiswa atau orang yang dibimbing tetap harus didaftar sebagai pengarang atau anggota tim pengarang bila publikasi tersebut merupakan karyanya. Artikel yang secara substansial disusun berdasarkan skripsi, tesis dan atau disertasi mahasiswa tetap harus mencantumkan nama mahasiswa tersebut. Psikologi forensik adalah bidang psikologi yang berkaitan dan atau diaplikasikan dalam bidang hukum. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang menjalankan tugas forensik memahami aturan hukum yang berlaku dan implikasinya terhadap peran dan wewenang mereka.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menyadari adanya kemungkinan konflik antara kebutuhan untuk menyampaikan informasi dan pendapat, dengan keharusan mengikuti aturan hukum yang ditetapkan sesuai sistem hukum yang berlaku. Psikolog dan atau ilmuwan Psikologi berusaha menyelesaikan konflik ini dengan menunjukkan komitmen terhadap kode etik dan mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi konflik ini dalam cara-cara yang dapat diterima.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dapat melakukan penelitian di bidang forensik secara umum tetapi tidak terkait langsung dengan penanganan kasus di bidang psikologi forensik. Penanganan kasus ini hanya dapat dilakukan oleh psikolog.
Praktek Psikologi forensik tersebut meliputi pelaksanaan asesmen, evaluasi psikologis, penegakan diagnosa, konsultasi dan terapi psikologi serta intervensi psikologi lain dan hal-hal lain dalam kaitannya dengan proses hukum misalnya evaluasi psikologis bagi pelaku atau korban kriminal; sebagai saksi ahli; evaluasi kompetensi untuk hak pengasuhan anak; program asesmen, konsultasi dan terapi di lembaga pemasyarakatan, mediasi konflik.
Bila tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh karena keadaan tidak memungkinkan, Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menjelaskan keterbatasan yang ada, serta melakukan langkah-langkah untuk membatasi implikasi dari kesimpulan atau rekomendasi yang dibuatnya.
Bila tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan menyeluruh karena keadaan tidak memungkinkan, Psikolog menjelaskan keterbatasan yang ada, serta melakukan langkah-langkah untuk membatasi implikasi dari kesimpulan atau rekomendasi yang dibuatnya. Bila kemungkinan terjadi konflik antara kebutuhan untuk menyampaikan pendapat dan keharusan mengikuti aturan hukum yang ditetapkan dalam kasus di pengadilan, psikolog berusaha menyelesaikan konflik ini dengan menunjukkan komitmen terhadap Kode Etik dan mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi konflik dengan cara-cara yang bisa diterima.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus mengindari untukmenjalankan peran majemuk. Bila peran majemuk terpaksa dilakukan kejelasan masing-masing peran harus ditegaskan sejak awal dan tetap berpegang teguh pada azas profesionalitas, obyektivitas serta mencegah dan meminimalkan kesalahpahaman. Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan bila peran majemuk terpaksa dilakukan :. Bila peran majemuk terpaksa dilakukan, misalnya sebagai konsultan atau ahli serta menjadi saksi di pengadilan, kejelasan masing-masing peran harus ditegaskan sejak awal bagi Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi, serta pihak-pihak terkait, untuk mempertahankan profesionalitas dan objektivitas, serta mencegah dan meminimalkan kesalahpahaman pihak-pihak lain sehubungan dengan peran majemuknya.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus tetap dapat bersikap profesional dalam memberikan pandangan serta menjaga atau meminimalkan terjadinya konflik antara berbagai pihak. Kurang dipahaminya kode etik tidak dapat menjadi alasan untuk mempertahankan diri ketika melakukan kesalahan atau pelanggaran. Asesmen Psikologi adalah dilaksanakannya prosedur observasi, wawancara, pemberian satu atau seperangkat instrumen atau alat tes yang bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian dan atau pemeriksaan psikologi.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi menggunakan teknik asesmen psikologi, wawancara atau observasi, pemberian satu atau seperangkat instrumen tes dengan cara tepat mulai dari proses adaptasi, administrasi, penilaian atau skor, menginterpretasi untuk tujuan yang jelas baik dari sisi kewenangan sesuai dengan taraf jenjang pendidikan dan kompetensi yang disayratkan, penelitian, manfaat dan teknik penggunaan.
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan berkaitan dengan proses asesmen adalah :. Instrumen asesmen ditetapkan hanya dapat digunakan sesuai dengan populasi yang diujikan pada saat pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus menjelaskan kekuatan dan kelemahan dari instrumen tersebut serta interpretasinya. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi tidak mendasarkan keputusan asesmen, intervensi atau saran dari data hasil tes yang sudah kadaluarsa untuk digunakan pada saat sekarang.
Dalam kondisi relatif konstan hasil tes dapat berlaku untuk 2 tahun, namun dalam kondisi atau keperluan khusus harus dilakukan pengetesan kembali. Administrasi asesmen psikologi adalah pedoman prinsip dasar yang harus dipatuhi dalam melakukan proses asesmen psikologi.
Termasuk dalam proses asesmen psikologi adalah observasi, wawancara dan pelaksanaan psikodiagnostik. Tes ini dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja non psychologist termasuk dalam kategori ini adalah vocational proficiency test. Asesmen psikologi perlu dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak yang memang berkualifikasi, perlu dihindari untuk menggunakan orang atau pekerja yang tidak memiliki kualifikasi memadai.
Untuk mencegah asesmen psikologi oleh pihak yang tidak kompeten :. Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi harus memperoleh persetujuan untuk melaksanakan asesmen, evaluasi, intervensi atau jasa diagnostik lain sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam standar informed consent , kecuali jika.
Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi dalam menginterpretasi hasil asesmen psikologi harus mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor dari instrumen yang digunakan, karakteristik peserta asesmen seperti keadaan situasional yang bersangkutan, bahasa dan perbedaan budaya yang mungkin kesemua ini dapat mempengaruhi ketepatan interpretasi sehingga dapat mempengaruhi keputusan.
Data asesmen ini menjadi kewenangan Psikolog dan atau Ilmuwan Psikologi yang melakukan pemeriksaan. Jika diperlukan data asesmen dapat disampaikan kepada sesama profesi untuk kepentingan melakukan tindak lanjut bagi kesejahteraan individu yang menjalani pemeriksaan psikologi. The difference between a bass and tenor, as between a contralto and soprano voice, is probably that of quality only, like that between different kinds of musical instruments.
What is the number of vibrationsfier second necessary to produce the fifth tone ofthe scale of C? What is the length of each sound-wave in that tone when the temperature is zeroa? What is the number of vgbrations in the fourth tfne above middle C Cj? A meteor of Nov. A stone was let fall into a well, and in 4 seconds was heard to strike the bottom.
How deep was the well? See p. What time would it require for a sound to travel 5 mites in the still water of a lake? How much louder will be the report of a gun to an observer at a distance of 20 rods than to one at half a mile? Hence the sound is 64 times louder to the observer at 20 rods that to the one at half a mile. Does sound travel faster at the foot or at the tofi of a mnountain? The density and elasticity of the air vary in the same proportion; hence if the temperature were the same on the top of a mountain that it is at the foot, the velocity of sound would be the same, but as it is always colder, the velocity is less.
Because the intensity of the sound-wave is weakened at each reflection. Why is it so fatiguing to, talk through a sfieakingtrumpet? Because so much more air must be set in motion by the vocal chords. The column of air in the resonant cavity of the throat is re-enforced by all the air in the trumpet. A needlewoman will distinguish by the sound, whether it is silk or cotton that is torn. Blind people recognlze.
Why is a secondary bow fainter than the jprimary I The primary is produced by one reflection and two refractions; the secondary, by two reflections and two refractions. The additional reflection weakens the ray.
Why are the colors reversed? We can understand this by looking at Fig. In one bow we see that the rays enter the drops at the top, and are refracted at the bottom to the eye; in the other, that the rays enter at the bottom, and are refracted at the top to the eye. Why can we notsee arounda house or through a bent tube? The rays of light move in straight lines. What color would a painter use if he wished to represent an opening into a dark cellar Black.
Is black a color? No; it is the absence of color. Is white? Yes; it is the presence of all color-i. By holding an object nearer a light, will it increase or diminish the size of the shadow?
It will increase it, because more rays are intercepted. Where do we see a rainbow in the morning? In the west. An architect, comparing the length o’ two lines separated from each other, if he estimate within the 30th part, we leem very accurate; but a musician would not be considered very precise who only estimated within a quarter of a note.
In a large orchestra, the leader will distinguish each note of each instrument. Wc recognize an old-time friend by the sound of his voice, when the other senses utterly fail to recall him. The musician carries in his ear the idea of the musical key and every tune in the scale, though he is constantly hearing a multitude of sounds. A tune once learned will be remembered when the words of the song are forgotten. Pepper tells us that he tuned a fork which corresponded to 64, vibrations per second.
Can any two sp5ectators see the same rainbow? They cannot, because no two persons can be at the right angle to get the same color from a drop. Why, when the drofps of water are falling through the air, does the bow appear stationary? Because the drops succeed each other so rapidly that they keep a constant impression on the retina.
Why can a cat see in the night? Because the pupils of its eyes are larger, and so admit more light. Why cannot an owl see in daylight? The pupils of its eyes are large enough to admit of cleal vision in the night, but they cannot be contracted, and so in daylight the owl becomes dazzled with the excess of light received.
Wshy are we blinded when we pass quickly from a dara into a brilliantly lighted room? The pupils of our eyes admit too much light, but they soon contract to the proper dimensions, and we can then see distinctly. When we pass out from a lighted room into the dark street, the conditions are reversed.
If the light on a distant planet is only ylog that which we receive, how does its distance from the sun compare with ours? If when I sit 6 feet from a candle I receive a certain amount of light, how much will I diminish it if I sit back 6 feet further?
As my distance from the light is doubled, the light is inversely as 22, or only i as bright. Why do drops of rain, in falling, appear like liquid [hSoads? The impression the drop makes on the retina remains until the drop reaches the ground.
We see this illustrated in greasing a bit of paper. It becomes semitransparent because more light passes through it, but looks darker itself because less light is reflected to the eye. Does color exist in the object or in the mind of the observer?
In the mind. Color in the object can be only a peculiar property whereby a body absorbs some colors, and reflects or transmits others. Why is lather opaque, while air and a solution of soap are each transparent? By repeated reflections and refractions in passing through the unhomogeneous mass of lather, the rays are weakened.
The principle is the same as that of deadening floors with tanbark. Why does it whiten molasses candy to jull it? Water is given up both in cooking and pulling. This causes more light to be reflected Q.
Why does plastering become lighter in color as it dries? Because, as the water evaporates, the mortar transmits less light, and reflects more light to the eye.
Why does a photographer iuse a kerosene oil-lamp in the’ dark-roomz? Some ” dark-rooms” are lighted with yellow glass windows. Is the common division of colors into “cold” and “warm” verified in philosophy? Yes; red contains more heat than violet. I Why is the image on the camera, Fig.
I67, inverted? The rays cross each other at the focus of the double convex len. WJhy is the second image seen in the mirror, Fig. As the latter is a beter reflector,. Each image after that will be weakened by the repeated reflection. Which can be heard at the greater distance, noise or music?
Other things being equal, music will penetrate much further than noise. Boatmen call to each other, at a distance, in a musical tone. A band is heard above the noise of the rabble. It seems to be a wise arrangement of Providence that all harsh, discordant noises should perish as soon as possible, and only harmonious ones survive.
Why are some bodies brilliant, and others dull? Some reflect the light better than others. A piece of stone coal lying in the sun’s rays will shine so brilliantly that one will cease to see the coal at all, and will judge it to be a bright metal. Why can a carpenter looking along the edge of a board tell whether it is straight? If the edge is straight, the light will be reflected uniformly to his eye from the whole length. Any uneven places will make dark and light spots.
Why can we not see out of the window after we have lighted the lampf in the evening? The glass reflects the light of the lamp back to our eyes, and they adapt themselves to the increased amount. Why does a ground-glass globe soften the light? It scatters the rays. Why can we not see through. They transmit the light irregularly to the eye, and not uniformly, like a transparent body. Why does the moon’s surface appear flat? Because it is so distant that the eye cannot detect the difference between the distance of the centre and the circumference.
Why can we see further with a telescope than with the naked eye? Because it furnishes us more light with which to see a distant object. Why is not snow transparent, like ice?
Because it is unhomogeneous. See problem I8. Are there rays in the sunbeam which we cannot see? We cannot see the heat or the chemical rays. Then closing one eye and looking steadily at one mark though we can see both , move the paper toward the eye. A point will be reached where the eye can perceive only one of the marks; on coming nearer, both will be seen again.
Holding the card pretty near the eyes, look through these holes at the head of a pin. There will seem to be two pin-heads. Since an impression is made on the retina of each eye, it would seem that we ought always to see objects double. The nerves from both eyes are so joined, however, before they reach the brain, that this effect is avoided.
If, now, we cause the image on the retina to be made on parts of the eye which do not correspond to each other, we shall obtain a double image. Why is a rainbow in the morning a sign of foul, and in the evening of fair weather?
In the morning it indicates a formation of clouds when the temperature is rising, and therefore shows a determination to moisture. In the evening it indicates a clearing away when the temperature is falling, and hence shows a determination to dryness. Why is a red, lowering sky in the morning a sign of rain, and a brilliant red sky at night, of fair weather?
Why does a distant light, in the night, seem like a star! Why does a bright light, in the night, seem so much nearer than it. Why does a ray of light, j5assed through a small hole, of any shape, inz a card, make a round, bright spot? Why are these siots crescent-shaped during an eclipse? VWhat color predominates in artificial lights? Why does yellow seem white, and blue green, when seen jby artificial light? Because the white takes on, in the yellow rays.
So, also, dark blue becomes purple, and red has a tawny hue. Magnesium light possesses all the colors of the spectrum, and hence all objects retain their natural appearance when illuminated by it. Why are we not sensible of darkness when we wink? Because the impression of the light is retained upon the retina during the brief interval of darkness.
Why will one’s hand, on a frosty morning, freeze to a metallic door-knob sooner than to one of porcelain? Because the metal is a better conductor of heat than the porcelain, and hence conducts the heat from the hand faster. Why does a piece of bread toasting curl up on the side toward the fire? The water being expelled from the pores on that side causes the bread to shrink. Why do double windows protect from. The non-conducting air enclosed between the window-panes keeps in the heat and keeps out the cold.
VWhy do fur;nace-men wear flannel shirts in summet to kefie cool, and in winter to keep warm? Why do we blow our hands to make them warm, and our soup to make it cool? Our breath is warmer than our hands, but cooler than our soup. Why does snow iprotect the grass? The air enclosed between the flakes of snow is a non-conductor.
No infant in its cradle is tucked in more tenderly than the coverlet of snow about the humble grass that nestles down for its winter’s nap on the bosom of mother Earth. Why does water “boil away” more rapiidly on some days than on others?
Because the atmospheric pressure varies. What causes the crackling sound ill a stove, when a fire is lighced? The expansion of the iron by the heat.
Why is the tone of a iiano higher in a cold room than in a warmn one? The steel wires lengthen in a warm room, and so lower the tone.
Ought an inkstand to have a large or a small mouth? A small mouth, to prevent evaporation. Why is there a space left between the ends of the rails on a railroad track?
To allow room for the expansion and contraction of the railq with the changes in temperature. Why is a person liable to take cold when his clothes are daimnf? The water which evaporates from his clothes, in drying, absorbs heat from his body.
What is the theory of corn-iofpfiing? The air in the ceiis oi the corn expands by the heat and bursts the outer coating of the corn. Could vacuum-pans be employed in cooking? They could not, because the heat would not be sufficient to cook the food. Why does the air feel so chilly, in the spring, when snow and ice are melting?
When the ice is passing into the liquid state, it absorbs heat from all surrounding objects. Why, in freezing ice-cream, do we put the ice in a wooden vessel, and the cream in a tin one? The non-conducting wooden vessel prevents the ice from absorbing heat from the external air, and the conducting tin vessel enables it to absorb the heat from the cream. Why does the temperature generally moderate when the mnow falls? The vapor passing into the solid form gives off heat.
Why does sjrinkling a floor with water cool the air? The water turning to vapor absorbs heat. How low a degree of temierature can be reached with a mercurial thermometer?
If the temperature be F. Will dew form on an iron bridge? Yes, because iron is a good radiator. On a wooden bridge? Not so readily, because wood is a poorer radiator. VWhy will not corn ipo when very dry? The pores shrink, and the corn becomes compact; only porous, tender-celled corn will pop.
The interior of the earth being a melted mass, why do we get the coldest water from a deep well? Oughtl the bottom of a tea-kettle to be polished? No, since a polished surface would reflect the heat. We need a black, rough, sooty surface to absorb the heat rapidly. Which boils the sooner, milk or water?
Milk, because it is so adhesive that the bubbles of steam which are formed at the bottom of the dish cannot easily escape. They therefore pile up on top of each other, and the milk boils over readily. Is it economy to keep our stoves highly polished? The stove-blacking used is a good radiator, but the surface should not be highly polished, as that hinders radiation.
If a thermometer be held in a running stream, will it indicate the same temperature that it would in a pailful of the same water? For the same reason that a thermometer, in the wind, will indicate the same temperature as in the still air. Which makes the better holder, woollen or cotton? Woollen, because it is so poor a conductor of heat. Which will give out the more heat, a pilain stove or one with ornamental designs? The latter, since it has more radiating surface 3 I.
Does dew fall? No; it forms directly where it is found. The vapor merely collects on the cold surface. What causes the ” sweating’ of a pitcher? The vapor of the air condenses on the cold pitcher. It is often a sign of rain, since it shows that the air is full of vapor easily deposited. VWhy is evaporation hastened in a vacuum?
Because the pressure of the air is removed. Page 44 44 AJ. Does stirring the ground around plants aid in the dqefa sition of dew?
It does, since it facilitates radiation. Why does the snow at the foot of a tree melt sooner than that in thze oi5en field? The dark-colored tree absorbs the sun’s heat, and then radiates it out in slow, dull waves, which are absorbed by the snow. Why is the opening in a chimney made to decrease in size from bottom to top?
Because as the heated air rises it cools and shrinks. If the chimney did not diminish in size correspondingly, currents of cold air would set down from the top. Will tea keefi hot longer in a bright or in a dull tea-pot e In a bright one, since a polished surface retards radiation. Why is one’s breath visible on a cold day?
The vapor in the breath is condensed by the cold air. Why is light-colored clothing cooler in summer and warmer in winter than dark-colored? It does not absorb the heat of the sun in summer, nor the heat of the body in winter; dark-colored clothing has neither of these desirable properties.
How does the heat at two feet from the fire compare with that at four feet? Hence it is four times greater. Why does the frost remain later in the morning uipon some objects than iupon others? Those objects which are good absorbers of heat soon become warm enough to melt the frost upon them: poor absorbers heat more slowly, and so retain the frost longer. Is it economy to me green wood? It is not, since the sap must be changed to vapor, and wate,. This is, of course, entirely lost to the consumer.
Why does not green wood snap? The pores are filled with water instead of air. The water does not expand rapidly enough to burst off the coverings of the cells, and so simply oozes out gradually and is vaporized. Why will a fiece of metal droipped into a glass orjorcelain dish of boiling water facilitate the ebullition? The rougher surface of the metal aids in the formation and disentanglement of the steam-bubbles.
The bubbles cling longer to a smooth than to a rough surface. This is one cause of that bumping sound often noticed when liquids are boiling in glass dishes. Which can be ignited the more easily with a burningglass, black or white papier.
P Black paper, since it is a much better absorber of heat. Why does the air feel colder on a windy day.? Because fresh portions of cold air are brought constantly in contact with our bodies.
In what did the miracle of Gideon’s fleece consist? The hard threshing-floor was a better conductor of heat than the porous fleece; hence, naturally, the dew would collect on the latter more readily than cn the former. In the miracle, the conditions remaining the same, the results in the two cases were reversed. Judges, vi. Could a burning-lens be made of ice? Burning-lenses have been made of that material. The rays have no heating power until the waves of ether are stopped.
They do not elevate the temperature of the medium through which they pass. ZVhy is an iceberg frequently envelop5ed by a fog? The moisture of the air is condensed upon its cold surface.
Would dew gather more freely on a rusty stove than on a bright kettle? It would, because the rusty iron surface is a good radiator. Why is a clear night colder than a cloudy one f. On such a night there can be no frost or dew. On a clear night, the heat which the earth radiates passes out freely into space, and thus the earth cools rapidly. Why is no dew formed on cloudy nights? See last question. Why do we use a longer tube of mercury for a baromzter than a thermometer?
Which is the hottest jart of a room? Why is it hotter above a flame than at the side? What is the difference between dew and rain? Why will ashes keep fire overnigzht? If a piane of glass and a similar late of polished s4eel were laid upon the ground, in the night, zpon which would the dew form most abundantly?
The glass is a poor conductor of heat, and so would absorb little heat from the earth, while the metal would absorb it freely; the glass is a better radiator than the polished metal, and thus would become drenched with dew, while the metallic surface would be scarcely dimmed. The original PC design was followed up in by the IBM PC XT , which was an incrementally improved design; it omitted support for the cassette, had more card slots, and was available with a 10MB hard drive.
Although mandatory at first, the hard drive was later made an option and a two floppy disk XT was sold. While the architectural memory limit of K was the same, later versions were more readily expandable.
Although the PC and XT included a version of the BASIC language in read-only memory, most were purchased with disk drives and run with an operating system; three operating systems were initially announced with the PC. Because the IBM PC was based on relatively standard integrated circuits, and the basic card-slot design was not patented, the key portion of that hardware was actually the BIOS software embedded in read-only memory.
This critical element got reverse engineered, and that opened the floodgates to the market for IBM PC imitators, which were dubbed “PC clones”. At the time that IBM had decided to enter the personal computer market in response to Apple’s early success, IBM was the giant of the computer industry and was expected to crush Apple’s market share.
But because of these shortcuts that IBM took to enter the market quickly, they ended up releasing a product that was easily copied by other manufacturers using off the shelf, non-proprietary parts. So in the long run, IBM’s biggest role in the evolution of the personal computer was to establish the de facto standard for hardware architecture amongst a wide range of manufacturers. IBM’s pricing was undercut to the point where IBM was no longer the significant force in development, leaving only the PC standard they had established.
Emerging as the dominant force from this battle amongst hardware manufacturers who were vying for market share was the software company Microsoft that provided the operating system and utilities to all PCs across the board, whether authentic IBM machines or the PC clones. This chip was much faster, and could address up to 16MB of RAM but only in a mode that largely broke compatibility with the earlier and VLB importantly offered a less costly high speed interface for consumer systems, as only by was PCI commonly available outside of the server market.
In Apple Computer introduced the first mass-marketed microcomputer with a graphical user interface, the Lisa. Drawing upon its experience with the Lisa, Apple launched the Macintosh in , with an advertisement during the Super Bowl. To reduce costs compared the Lisa, the year-younger Macintosh had a simplified motherboard design, no internal hard drive, and a single 3.
While not a success upon its release, the Macintosh was a successful personal computer for years to come. This is particularly due to the introduction of desktop publishing in through Apple’s partnership with Adobe. This partnership introduced the LaserWriter printer and Aldus PageMaker to users of the personal computer.
During Steve Jobs ‘ hiatus from Apple, a number of different models of Macintosh, including the Macintosh Plus and Macintosh II , were released to a great degree of success.
The entire Macintosh line of computers was IBM’s major competition up until the early s. It could be used with a mouse or a joystick as a pointing device, and came with a suite of GUI applications.
Commodore’s later product line, the Amiga platform, ran a GUI operating system by default. The Amiga laid the blueprint for future development of personal computers with its groundbreaking graphics and sound capabilities.
Byte called it “the first multimedia computer In , Acorn launched the Archimedes range of high-performance home computers in Europe and Australasia. By default, the mice used on these computers had three buttons.
The transition from a PC-compatible market being driven by IBM to one driven primarily by a broader market began to become clear in and ; in , the bit Intel microprocessor was released, and the first ‘based PC-compatible was the Compaq Deskpro These models were largely unsuccessful, and the PC Clone style machines outpaced sales of all other machines through the rest of this period.
Dell started out as one of these manufacturers, under its original name PC Limited. In , the NeXTstation workstation computer went on sale, for “interpersonal” computing as Steve Jobs described it.
Despite its pioneering use of Object-oriented programming concepts, the NeXTstation was somewhat a commercial failure, and NeXT shut down hardware operations in In the early s, the CD-ROM became an industry standard , and by the mids one was built into almost all desktop computers, and toward the end of the s, in laptops as well. Although introduced in , the CD ROM was mostly used for audio during the s, and then for computer data such as operating systems and applications into the s.
Another popular use of CD ROMs in the s was multimedia , as many desktop computers started to come with built-in stereo speakers capable of playing CD quality music and sounds with the Sound Blaster sound card on PCs.
IBM introduced its successful ThinkPad range at COMDEX using the series designators , and allegedly analogous to the BMW car range and used to indicate market , the series being the “budget”, the series “midrange” and the series “high end”. The A series was later partially replaced by the R series.
Other previous competition such as Sinclair and Amstrad were no longer in the computer market. With less competition than ever before, Dell rose to high profits and success, introducing low cost systems targeted at consumers and business markets using a direct-sales model. Dell surpassed Compaq as the world’s largest computer manufacturer, and held that position until October In , Apple introduced the Power Macintosh series of high-end professional desktop computers for desktop publishing and graphic designers.
These new computers made use of new Motorola PowerPC processors as part of the AIM alliance , to replace the previous Motorola 68k architecture used for the Macintosh line.
During the s, the Macintosh remained with a low market share , but as the primary choice for creative professionals, particularly those in the graphics and publishing industries. In , the ARM Cortex-A8 was released, the first Cortex design to be adopted on a large scale for use in consumer devices.
Due to the sales growth of IBM clones in the ’90s, they became the industry standard for business and home use. This growth was augmented by the introduction of Microsoft’s Windows 3.
The Macintosh was sent into a period of decline by these developments coupled with Apple’s own inability to come up with a successor to the Macintosh operating system, and by Apple was almost bankrupt. The NeXT purchase and Jobs’ return brought Apple back to profitability, first with the release of Mac OS 8 , a major new version of the operating system for Macintosh computers, and then with the PowerMac G3 and iMac computers for the professional and home markets.
The iMac was notable for its transparent bondi blue casing in an ergonomic shape, as well as its discarding of legacy devices such as a floppy drive and serial ports in favor of Ethernet and USB connectivity. The iMac sold several million units and a subsequent model using a different form factor remains in production as of August This gave the personal computer user the capability to copy and “burn” standard Audio CDs which were playable in any CD player.
As computer hardware grew more powerful and the MP3 format became pervasive, “ripping” CDs into small, compressed files on a computer’s hard drive became popular.
Since the late s, many more personal computers started shipping that included USB Universal Serial Bus ports for easy plug and play connectivity to devices such as digital cameras , video cameras , personal digital assistants , printers , scanners , USB flash drives and other peripheral devices. By the early 21st century, all shipping computers for the consumer market included at least two USB ports. Also during the late s DVD players started appearing on high-end, usually more expensive, desktop and laptop computers, and eventually on consumer computers into the first decade of the 21st century.
Compaq itself had bought Tandem Computers in which had been started by ex-HP employees , and Digital Equipment Corporation in Following this strategy HP became a major player in desktops, laptops, and servers for many different markets.
The buyout made HP the world’s largest manufacturer of personal computers, until Dell later surpassed HP. In , AMD shipped its bit based microprocessor line for desktop computers, Opteron and Athlon Intel , in , reacted to AMD’s success with bit based processors, releasing updated versions of their Xeon and Pentium 4 lines. The company will retain the right to use certain IBM brand names for an initial period of five years. As a result of the purchase, Lenovo inherited a product line that featured the ThinkPad , a line of laptops that had been one of IBM’s most successful products.
In the early 21st century, Wi-Fi began to become increasingly popular as many consumers started installing their own wireless home networks. Many of today’s laptops and desktop computers are sold pre-installed with wireless cards and antennas. Also in the early 21st century, LCD monitors became the most popular technology for computer monitors , with CRT production being slowed down. The first decade of the 21st century also saw the rise of multi-core processors see following section and flash memory.
Once limited to high-end industrial use due to expense, these technologies are now mainstream and available to consumers. In the MacBook Air and Asus Eee PC were released, laptops that dispense with an optical drive and hard drive entirely relying on flash memory for storage. The invention in the late s of local area networks LANs , notably Ethernet , allowed PCs to communicate with each other peer-to-peer and with shared printers.
As the microcomputer revolution continued, more robust versions of the same technology were used to produce microprocessor based servers that could also be linked to the LAN. This was facilitated by the development of server operating systems to run on the Intel architecture , including several versions of both Unix and Microsoft Windows.
Multi-core processors can be programmed and reasoned about using symmetric multiprocessing SMP techniques known since the 60s see the SMP article for details. PCI Express is released in It becomes the most commonly used bus in PC-compatible desktop computers.
Three former SGI employees had founded 3dfx in It provided only 3D acceleration and as such the computer also needed a traditional video controller for conventional 2D software.
Control of the specification was passed to the Khronos Group in ACPI then executes the desired operations such as the initialization of hardware components using an embedded minimal virtual machine.
First-generation ACPI hardware had issues. In , Intel announced the commercialisation of Tri-gate transistor. HBM was released in In May , Chinese officials ordered government agencies and state-backed companies to remove personal computers produced by American corporations and replace them with equipment from domestic companies.
The state-mandated order is expected to result in the removal of about 50 million computers, with HP and Dell expected to lose the most future business from the mandate. In , million personal computers were shipped in comparison to 48, in More than million PCs were in use in and one billion personal computers had been sold worldwide since mids till this time.
Of the latter figure, 75 percent were professional or work related, while the rest sold for personal or home use. About United States had received As of June , the number of personal computers worldwide in use hit one billion.
About million PCs 16 percent of the existing installed base were expected to be replaced and 35 million to be dumped into landfill in The whole installed base grew 12 percent annually.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. History of the consumer personal computer. Main articles: Personal computer and History of computing hardware s—present. See also: History of computing hardware s—present. Main article: Simon computer. Main article: IBM Main article: Olivetti Elea. Main article: LINC.
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