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The dog or domestic dog Canis familiaris [4] [5] or Canis lupus familiaris [5] is a domesticated descendant of the wolf. The dog is derived from an ancient, extinct wolf , [6] [7] and the modern wolf is the dog’s nearest living relative. The dog has been selectively bred over millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes. They perform many roles for humans, such as hunting , herding , pulling loads , protection , assisting police and the military , companionship , therapy , and aiding disabled people.
Over the millennia, dogs became uniquely adapted to human behavior, and the human-canine bond has been a topic of frequent study. In , the Swedish botanist and zoologist Carl Linnaeus published in his Systema Naturae , the two-word naming of species binomial nomenclature.
Canis is the Latin word meaning “dog”, [15] and under this genus , he listed the domestic dog, the wolf , and the golden jackal. He classified the domestic dog as Canis familiaris and, on the next page, classified the grey wolf as Canis lupus. In , a study of mitochondrial DNA mtDNA indicated that the domestic dog may have originated from the grey wolf, with the dingo and New Guinea singing dog breeds having developed at a time when human communities were more isolated from each other.
Christopher Wozencraft listed under the wolf Canis lupus its wild subspecies and proposed two additional subspecies, which formed the domestic dog clade: familiaris , as named by Linnaeus in and, dingo named by Meyer in Wozencraft included hallstromi the New Guinea singing dog as another name junior synonym for the dingo.
Wozencraft referred to the mtDNA study as one of the guides informing his decision. The Cretaceous—Paleogene extinction event occurred 65 million years ago and brought an end to the dinosaurs and the appearance of the first carnivorans. Carnivorans possess a common arrangement of teeth called carnassials , in which the first lower molar and the last upper premolar possess blade-like enamel crowns that act similar to a pair of shears for cutting meat.
This dental arrangement has been modified by adaptation over the past 60 million years for diets composed of meat, for crushing vegetation, or for the loss of the carnassial function altogether as in seals, sea lions, and walruses. Today, not all carnivorans are carnivores , such as the insect-eating Aardwolf.
The carnivoran ancestors of the dog-like caniforms and the cat-like feliforms began their separate evolutionary paths just after the end of the dinosaurs. The first members of the dog family Canidae appeared 40 million years ago, [21] of which only its subfamily the Caninae survives today in the form of the wolf-like and fox-like canines. Within the Caninae, the first members of genus Canis appeared six million years ago, [15] the ancestors of modern domestic dogs, wolves, coyotes , and golden jackals.
The earliest remains generally accepted to be those of a domesticated dog were discovered in Bonn-Oberkassel , Germany. Contextual, isotopic, genetic, and morphological evidence shows that this dog was not a local wolf. The dog had died of canine distemper. This timing indicates that the dog was the first species to be domesticated [9] [8] in the time of hunter—gatherers , [7] which predates agriculture.
The most recent common ancestor of both is estimated to be from 32, years ago. The dog is a classic example of a domestic animal that likely travelled a commensal pathway into domestication. Dogs are the most variable mammal on earth with around globally recognized dog breeds. The skull, body, and limb proportions vary significantly between breeds, with dogs displaying more phenotypic diversity than can be found within the entire order of carnivores.
These breeds possess distinct traits related to morphology, which include body size, skull shape, tail phenotype, fur type and colour. Their personality traits include hypersocial behavior, boldness, and aggression, [10] which demonstrates the functional and behavioral diversity of dogs.
All healthy dogs, regardless of their size and type, have an identical skeletal structure with the exception of the number of bones in the tail, although there is significant skeletal variation between dogs of different types. Compared to the dog’s wolf-like ancestors, selective breeding since domestication has seen the dog’s skeleton greatly enhanced in size for larger types as mastiffs and miniaturised for smaller types such as terriers ; dwarfism has been selectively utilised for some types where short legs are advantageous such as dachshunds and corgis.
The dog’s skull has identical components regardless of breed type, but there is significant divergence in terms of skull shape between types. A dog’s senses include vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, and sensitivity to Earth’s magnetic field. Another study has suggested that dogs can see Earth’s magnetic field. The coats of domestic dogs are of two varieties: “double” being familiar with dogs as well as wolves originating from colder climates, made up of a coarse guard hair and a soft down hair , or “single”, with the topcoat only.
Breeds may have an occasional “blaze”, stripe, or “star” of white fur on their chest or underside. There are many different shapes for dog tails : straight, straight up, sickle, curled, or corkscrew.
As with many canids, one of the primary functions of a dog’s tail is to communicate their emotional state, which can be crucial in getting along with others. In some hunting dogs the tail is traditionally docked to avoid injuries. Some breeds of dogs are prone to specific genetic ailments such as elbow and hip dysplasia , blindness , deafness , pulmonic stenosis , cleft palate , and trick knees. Two severe medical conditions significantly affecting dogs are pyometra , affecting unspayed females of all breeds and ages, and Gastric dilatation volvulus bloat , which affects larger breeds or deep-chested dogs.
Both of these are acute conditions and can kill rapidly. Dogs are also susceptible to parasites such as fleas , ticks , mites , hookworms , tapeworms , roundworms , and heartworms , which is a roundworm species that lives in the hearts of dogs. Several human foods and household ingestibles are toxic to dogs, including chocolate solids , causing theobromine poisoning , onions and garlic , causing thiosulphate , sulfoxide or disulfide poisoning, grapes and raisins , macadamia nuts , and xylitol.
Signs of ingestion can include copious vomiting e. Some other symptoms are abdominal pain, loss of coordination, collapse, or death. Dogs are also vulnerable to some of the same health conditions as humans, including diabetes , dental and heart disease , epilepsy , cancer , hypothyroidism , and arthritis. The typical lifespan of dogs varies widely among breeds, but for most, the median longevity the age at which half the dogs in a population have died and half are still alive ranges from 10 to 13 years.
In domestic dogs, sexual maturity happens around six months to one year for both males and females, although this can be delayed until up to two years of age for some large breeds, and is the time at which female dogs will have their first estrous cycle.
They will experience subsequent estrous cycles semiannually, during which the body prepares for pregnancy. At the peak of the cycle, females will become estrous, mentally and physically receptive to copulation. Because the ova survive and can be fertilized for a week after ovulation, more than one male can sire the same litter.
Fertilization typically occurs two to five days after ovulation; 14—16 days after ovulation, the embryo attaches to the uterus and after seven to eight more days, a heartbeat is detectable. Dogs bear their litters roughly 58 to 68 days after fertilization , [12] [42] with an average of 63 days, although the length of gestation can vary. An average litter consists of about six puppies. Neutering refers to the sterilization of animals, usually by removing the male’s testicles or the female’s ovaries and uterus , to eliminate the ability to procreate and reduce sex drive.
Because of dogs’ overpopulation in some countries, many animal control agencies, such as the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ASPCA , advise that dogs not intended for further breeding should be neutered, so that they do not have undesired puppies that may later be euthanized. According to the Humane Society of the United States , three to four million dogs and cats are euthanized each year.
Spaying or castrating dogs helps keep overpopulation down. Neutering reduces problems caused by hypersexuality , especially in male dogs. A common breeding practice for pet dogs is mating between close relatives e. Stillbirth was the most frequent cause of death, followed by infection. Mortality due to infection increased significantly with increases in inbreeding. Dog behavior is the internally coordinated responses actions or inactions of the domestic dog individuals or groups to internal and external stimuli.
As a result of this physical and social evolution, dogs have acquired the ability to understand and communicate with humans more than any other species and they are uniquely attuned to human behaviors. These abilities are not possessed by the dog’s closest canine relatives or other highly intelligent mammals, such as great apes , but rather parallel to children’s social-cognitive skills.
Unlike other domestic species selected for production-related traits, dogs were initially selected for their behaviors. These gene variations were unlikely to have been the result of natural evolution and indicate selection on both morphology and behavior during dog domestication. These genes have been shown to affect the catecholamine synthesis pathway, with the majority of the genes affecting the fight-or-flight response [61] [62] i.
Dog intelligence is the dog’s ability to perceive information and retain it as knowledge for applying to solve problems. Studies of two dogs suggest that dogs can learn by inference and have advanced memory skills. A study with Rico , a Border Collie , showed that he knew the labels of over different items. He inferred the names of novel things by exclusion learning and correctly retrieved those new items immediately and four weeks after the initial exposure.
A study of another Border Collie, Chaser, documented his learning and memory capabilities. He had learned the names and could associate by verbal command over 1, words. One study of canine cognitive abilities found that dogs’ capabilities are no more exceptional than those of other animals, such as horses , chimpanzees , or cats.
Dogs demonstrate a theory of mind by engaging in deception. Dog communication is how dogs convey information to other dogs, understand messages from humans and translate the information that dogs are transmitting. Humans communicate to dogs by using vocalization, hand signals, and body posture. The dog is probably the most widely abundant large carnivoran living in the human environment. Although dogs are the most abundant and widely distributed terrestrial carnivores, feral and free-ranging dogs’ potential to compete with other large carnivores is limited by their strong association with humans.
Wolves kill dogs wherever they are found together. Coyotes and big cats have also been known to attack dogs. In particular, leopards are known to have a preference for dogs and have been recorded to kill and consume them, no matter what their size.
This indicates that the dogs were targeted. Amur tigers will not tolerate wolves as competitors within their territories, and the tigers could be considering dogs in the same way. Dogs have been described as omnivores. Also more like cats, dogs require arginine to maintain its nitrogen balance. These nutritional requirements place dogs halfway between carnivores and omnivores.
As a domesticated or semi-domesticated animal, the dog is nearly universal among human societies. Notable exceptions once included:. Dogs were introduced to Antarctica as sled dogs , but were later outlawed by international agreement due to the possible risk of spreading infections. Domestic dogs inherited complex behaviors, such as bite inhibition , from their wolf ancestors, which would have been pack hunters with a complex body language.
These sophisticated forms of social cognition and communication may account for their trainability, playfulness and ability to fit into human households and social situations.
These attributes have given dogs a relationship with humans that has enabled them to become one of the most successful animals today. The dogs’ value to early human hunter-gatherers led to them quickly becoming ubiquitous across world cultures. Dogs perform many roles for people, such as hunting , herding , pulling loads , protection , assisting police and the military , companionship and aiding disabled individuals. This influence on human society has given them the nickname ” man’s best friend ” in the Western world.
In some cultures, however, dogs are also a source of meat.
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