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After the CAS upgrade, you can begin the upgrade of each child site. Complete the upgrade of each site before you begin to upgrade to the next site. Until all sites in your hierarchy are upgraded, your hierarchy operates in a mixed version mode. Before applying this update, we strongly recommend that you go through the upgrade checklist provided on Technet. Most importantly, initiate a site backup before you upgrade. Configuration Manager current branch version has a warning prerequisite rule that checks for Microsoft.

NET Framework version 4. This version of. NET is required on site servers, specific site systems, clients, and the Configuration Manager console. Starting in this release, this prerequisite rule for. NET 4. Until you upgrade. When the Configuration Manager client updates to version or later, client notifications are dependent upon. Until you update. NET to version 4. Other client-side functionality may be affected until the device is updated and restarted.

For more information, see More details about Microsoft. In this post, we will update a stand-alone primary site server, consoles, and clients. Before installing, check if your site is ready for the update:. The SCCM update is not yet available for everyone. If you need it right away you can run the Fast-Ring script and the update will show up.

Before launching the update, we recommend launching the prerequisite check first. To see the prerequisite checklist, see the Microsoft Documentation. We are now ready to launch the SCCM update. At this point, plan about 45 minutes to install the update.

Unfortunately, the status is not updated in real-time. Use the Refresh button to update the view. There are actually no officially documented methods by Microsoft to fix that. Patience is the key! As a previous update, the console has an auto-update feature.

At the console opening, if you are not running the latest version, you will receive a warning and the update will start automatically. After setup is completed, verify the build number of the console. If the console upgrade was successful, the build number will be and the version is now Version The client version will be updated to 5.

Boot images will automatically update during setup. See our post on upgrade consideration in a large environment to avoid this if you have multiple distribution points. Our preferred way to update our clients is by using the Client Upgrade feature: You can refer to our complete post documenting this feature.

If you disabled database maintenance tasks at a site before installing the update, reconfigure those tasks. Use the same settings that were in place before the update. You can see our SCCM Client version reports to give detailed information about every client version in your environment.

In conclusion, you can create a collection that targets clients without the latest client version because is very useful when it comes to monitoring a non-compliant client.

New build releases add new features, quality updates, and bug fixes. You may also need to identify the Windows version in a migration project or to plan your patch management deployments. For example, Windows 11 22H1 would mean that it was released in 20 22 in the first half of the year.

Where it gets more complicated is the Windows 11 revision or build number which is different depending on the patch applied to the OS. The first Windows 11 revision number was All KB and revision numbers are documented on Microsoft Documentation.

On a device running Windows 11 or Windows 10, you can run winver in a command window. You can also use this useful Powershell script from Trevor Jones. The script will show you:. You can use various tools in the SCCM console to do so. If you want to create collections based on Windows 10 versions, you can use our set of Operational Collections or use this query.

You only need to change your version number at the end of the query. The Windows servicing information is spread across many views. If you need to build a Windows 10 report you can use these views to get your information.

With time, I added more and more collections to the script. Fast forward to today, the script now contains collections and has been downloaded more than 75 times making this PowerShell script my most downloaded contribution to the community. The collections are set to refresh on a 7 days schedule. Once created, you can use these collections to have a quick overview of your devices.

You can also use these collections to create deployment collections by using limiting collections on these ones. The script will detect if the collection has already been created. It will give a warning and create only new collections that have been added since the last time the script is run.

If you are comfortable with editing scripts, you can comment out any unwanted collections using at each line of the section. Extra hint: You can also verify if your collection has been created properly in your collections with our Configuration Manager — Collections report. Simply sort the report by the Operational folder name.

If you want to add a collection to the list, feel free to contact me using our social media or use the comment section. It will be our pleasure to add it to the next version. The reason to Customize Windows Start Menu is a must for any organization to deploy a standard workstation and remove any unwanted software from it. Sometimes Microsoft makes small changes under the hood and can hardly be tracked unless an issue comes up to flag those changes. Windows 11 which came out recently share the same mechanism as Windows 10 when it comes to the Start Menu thus, this post can be used for Windows Microsoft added the following note to the start menu layout modification documentation after the release.

Following our previous posts on Windows 10 Customization and how to modify the taskbar configuration , we will detail how to configure the start menu and taskbar with the latest indication from Microsoft. Once this is completed it can be added to your SCCM task sequence like we explain in our previous posts.

Comanagement enables some interesting features like conditional access, remote actions with Intune, and provisioning using AutoPilot. This is great to slowly phase into Intune.

Microsoft provides a great diagram that explains how the workload is managed when co-management is activated. Reads the registry for installed applications. Adversaries may attempt to gather information about attached peripheral devices and components connected to a computer system. Queries volume information. An adversary may attempt to get detailed information about the operating system and hardware, including version, patches, hotfixes, service packs, and architecture.

Contains ability to read monitor info. Adversaries may enumerate files and directories or may search in specific locations of a host or network share for certain information within a file system. Contains ability to query volume size. Adversaries may attempt to get information about running processes on a system. Adversaries may attempt to get a listing of security software, configurations, defensive tools, and sensors that are installed on the system.

Adversaries may target user email to collect sensitive information from a target. Command and Control. Contains indicators of bot communication commands. An adversary may compress data e. Key-Systems GmbH. Russian Federation. Domain forum. Domain www. Domain az Domain mcishop.

Domain apn. United States. Domain ocean Domain beaufortsea. Domain ronroberts. Domain backcountryoutlet. Domain craftsmanclub. Domain Domain login. Domain sendpulse. Domain img. Domain pr. Domain google. Domain w. Domain policies. Maria Laura Mele. Arianna Maiorani. Toyoaki Nishida. Abstract The capacity of involvement and engagement plays an important role in making a robot social and robust.

In order to reinforce the capacity of robot in human-robot interaction, we proposed a twolayered approach. In the upper layer, social interaction is flexibly controlled by Bayesian Net using social interaction patterns. In the lower layer, the robustness of the system can be improved by detecting repetitive and rhythmic gestures. Abstract The purpose of this paper is to support a sustainable conversation. From a view point of sustainability, it is important to manage huge conversation content such as transcripts, handouts, and slides.

Our proposed system, called Sustainable Knowledge Globe SKG , supports people to manage conversation content by using geographical arrangement, topological connection, contextual relation, and a zooming interface.

Abstract The progress of technology makes familiar artifacts more complicated than before. Therefore, establishing natural communication with artifacts becomes necessary in order to use such complicated artifacts effectively. Well we could add a webhook, or manually call the runbook from the console, we could even create a custom application with a fancy GUI Graphical User Interface to call the runbook, for this article we are going to simply create a schedule within our automation account and use it to initiate our runbook.

To build our schedule we select Schedules from the Automation Account then click Add a schedule. Create a Schedule Name, Give it a description, assign a Start date and Time, set the Reoccurrence schedule and expiration and click Create. Now that the schedule has been created click OK to link it to the Runbook. Originally, I used this runbook to shutdown VMs in an order so at the end of the Tier 2 Runbook would call the Tier 1 Runbook and finally the Tier 0 runbook.

For Startup I would reverse the order to ensure services came up correctly. By splitting the runbooks, I ensured the next set of services did not start or stop until the previous set had finished.

However, by utilizing the custom tags and making minor changes to the script you can customize your runbooks to perform whatever suits your needs. For example, if you wanted to shutdown just John Smiths machines every night all you would need to do is tag the VMs accordingly Ex.

I have also attached the startup script that was mentioned earlier in the article for your convenience. Thank you for taking the time to read through this article, I hope you can adapt it to you found it helpful and are able to adapt it your environment with no issues. Please leave a comment if you come across any issues or just want to leave some feedback. Disclaimer The sample scripts are not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service.

The sample scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Azure Automation — Custom Tagged Scripts. Hi, Matthew Walker again. Recently I worked with a few of my co-workers to present a lab on building out Shielded VMs and I thought this would be useful for those of you out there wanting to test this out in a lab environment. Shielded VMs, when properly configured, use Bitlocker to encrypt the drives, prevent access to the VM using the VMConnect utility, encrypt the data when doing a live migration, as well blocking the fabric admin by disabling a number of integration components, this way the only access to the VM is through RDP to the VM itself.

With proper separation of duties this allows for sensitive systems to be protected and only allow those who need access to the systems to get the data and prevent VMs from being started on untrusted hosts. In my position I frequently have to demo or test in a number of different configurations so I have created a set of configurations to work with a scripted solution to build out labs. At the moment there are some differences between the two and only my fork will work with the configurations I have.

Now, to setup your own environment I should lay out the specs of the environment I created this on. All of the above is actually a Hyper-V VM running on my Windows 10 system, I leverage nested virtualization to accomplish this, some of my configs require Windows Server.

Extract them to a directory on your system you want to run the scripts from. Once you have extracted each of the files from GitHub you should have a folder that is like the screenshot below. By default these files should be marked as blocked and prevent the scripts from running, to unblock the files we will need to unblock them.

If you open an administrative PowerShell prompt and change to the directory the files are in you can use the Unblock-File cmdlet to resolve this. This will require you to download the ADKSetup and run it and select to save the installer files. The Help folder under tools is not really necessary, however, to ensure I have the latest PowerShell help files available I will run the Save-Help PowerShell cmdlet to download and save the files so I can install them on other systems.

Next, we move back up to the main folder and populate the Resources Folder, so again create a new folder named Resources. While these are not the latest cumulative updates they were the latest I downloaded and tested with, and are referenced in the config files.

I also include the WMF 5. I know it seems like a lot, but now that we have all the necessary components we can go through the setup to create the VMs. You may receive a prompt to run the file depending on your execution policy settings, and you may be prompted for Admin password as the script is required to be run elevated. First it will download any DSC modules we need to work with the scripts.

You may get prompted to trust the NuGet repository to be able to download the modules — Type Y and hit enter. It will then display the current working directory and pop up a window to select the configuration to build. The script will then verify that Hyper-V is installed and if it is server it will install the Failover Clustering feature if not installed not needed for shielded VMs, sorry I need to change the logic on that.

The Script may appear to hang for a few minutes, but it is actually copying out the. Net 3. The error below is normal and not a concern. Creating the Template files can take quite a long time, so just relax and let it run.

Once the first VM Domain Controller is created, I have set up the script to ensure it is fully configured before the other VMs get created. You will see the following message when that occurs. Periodically during this time you will see message such as the below indicating the status. Once all resources are in the desired state the next set of VMs will be created. Once the script finishes however those VMs are not completely configured, DSC is still running in them to finish out the configuration such as Joining the domain or installing roles and features.

So, there you have it, a couple of VMs and DC to begin working on creating a virtualized environment that you can test and play with shielded VMs a bit. So now grab the documentation linked at the top and you can get started without having to build out the base. I hope this helps you get started playing with some of the new features we have in Windows Server Data disk drives do not cache writes by default.

Data disk drives that are attached to a VM use write-through caching. It provides durability, at the expense of slightly slower writes. As of January 10 th , PowerShell Core 6. For the last two decades, changing the domain membership of a Failover Cluster has always required that the cluster be destroyed and re-created. This is a time-consuming process, and we have worked to improve this.

Howdy folks! Before going straight to the solution, I want to present a real scenario and recall some of the basic concepts in the Identity space. Relying Party signature certificate is rarely used indeed. Signing the SAML request ensures no one modifies the request. COM wants to access an expense note application ClaimsWeb. COM purchasing a license for the ClaimsWeb application. Relying party trust:. Now that we have covered the terminology with the entities that will play the role of the IdP or IP, and RP, we want to make it perfectly clear in our mind and go through the flow one more time.

Step : Present Credentials to the Identity Provider. The URL provides the application with a hint about the customer that is requesting access. Assuming that John uses a computer that is already a part of the domain and in the corporate network, he will already have valid network credentials that can be presented to CONTOSO. These claims are for instance the Username, Group Membership and other attributes.

Step : Map the Claims. The claims are transformed into something that ClaimsWeb Application understands. We have now to understand how the Identity Provider and the Resource Provider can trust each other. When you configure a claims provider trust or relying party trust in your organization with claim rules, the claim rule set s for that trust act as a gatekeeper for incoming claims by invoking the claims engine to apply the necessary logic in the claim rules to determine whether to issue any claims and which claims to issue.

The Claim Pipeline represents the path that claims must follow before they can be issued. The Relying Party trust provides the configuration that is used to create claims.

Once the claim is created, it can be presented to another Active Directory Federation Service or claim aware application. Claim provider trust determines what happens to the claims when it arrives. COM IdP. COM Resource Provider. Properties of a Trust Relationship. This policy information is pulled on a regular interval which is called trust monitoring. Trust monitoring can be disabled and the pulling interval can be modified.

Signature — This is the verification certificate for a Relying Party used to verify the digital signature for incoming requests from this Relying Party.

Otherwise, you will see the Claim Type of the offered claims. Each federation server uses a token-signing certificate to digitally sign all security tokens that it produces. This helps prevent attackers from forging or modifying security tokens to gain unauthorized access to resources. When we want to digitally sign tokens, we will always use the private portion of our token signing certificate. When a partner or application wants to validate the signature, they will have to use the public portion of our signing certificate to do so.

Then we have the Token Decryption Certificate. Encryption of tokens is strongly recommended to increase security and protection against potential man-in-the-middle MITM attacks that might be tried against your AD FS deployment. Use of encryption might have a slight impact on throughout but in general, it should not be usually noticed and in many deployments the benefits for greater security exceed any cost in terms of server performance.

Encrypting claims means that only the relying party, in possession of the private key would be able to read the claims in the token. This requires availability of the token encrypting public key, and configuration of the encryption certificate on the Claims Provider Trust same concept is applicable at the Relying Party Trust. By default, these certificates are valid for one year from their creation and around the one-year mark, they will renew themselves automatically via the Auto Certificate Rollover feature in ADFS if you have this option enabled.

This tab governs how AD FS manages the updating of this claims provider trust. You can see that the Monitor claims provider check box is checked. ADFS starts the trust monitoring cycle every 24 hours minutes.

This endpoint is enabled and enabled for proxy by default. The FederationMetadata. Once the federation trust is created between partners, the Federation Service holds the Federation Metadata endpoint as a property of its partners, and uses the endpoint to periodically check for updates from the partner. For example, if an Identity Provider gets a new token-signing certificate, the public key portion of that certificate is published as part of its Federation Metadata.

All Relying Parties who partner with this IdP will automatically be able to validate the digital signature on tokens issued by the IdP because the RP has refreshed the Federation Metadata via the endpoint. The Federation Metadata. XML publishes information such as the public key portion of a token signing certificate and the public key of the Encryption Certificate. What we can do is creating a schedule process which:.

You can create the source with the following line as an Administrator of the server:. Signing Certificate. Encryption Certificate. As part of my Mix and Match series , we went through concepts and terminologies of the Identity metasystem, understood how all the moving parts operates across organizational boundaries.

We discussed the certificates involvement in AD FS and how I can use PowerShell to create a custom monitor workload and a proper logging which can trigger further automation. I hope you have enjoyed and that this can help you if you land on this page.

Hi everyone, Robert Smith here to talk to you today a bit about crash dump configurations and options. With the wide-spread adoption of virtualization, large database servers, and other systems that may have a large amount or RAM, pre-configuring the systems for the optimal capturing of debugging information can be vital in debugging and other efforts.

Ideally a stop error or system hang never happens. But in the event something happens, having the system configured optimally the first time can reduce time to root cause determination.

The information in this article applies the same to physical or virtual computing devices. You can apply this information to a Hyper-V host, or to a Hyper-V guest. You can apply this information to a Windows operating system running as a guest in a third-party hypervisor. If you have never gone through this process, or have never reviewed the knowledge base article on configuring your machine for a kernel or complete memory dump , I highly suggest going through the article along with this blog.

When a windows system encounters an unexpected situation that could lead to data corruption, the Windows kernel will implement code called KeBugCheckEx to halt the system and save the contents of memory, to the extent possible, for later debugging analysis. The problem arises as a result of large memory systems, that are handling large workloads. Even if you have a very large memory device, Windows can save just kernel-mode memory space, which usually results in a reasonably sized memory dump file.

But with the advent of bit operating systems, very large virtual and physical address spaces, even just the kernel-mode memory output could result in a very large memory dump file.

When the Windows kernel implements KeBugCheckEx execution of all other running code is halted, then some or all of the contents of physical RAM is copied to the paging file. On the next restart, Windows checks a flag in the paging file that tells Windows that there is debugging information in the paging file. Please see KB for more information on this hotfix. Herein lies the problem. One of the Recovery options is memory dump file type. There are a number of memory.

For reference, here are the types of memory dump files that can be configured in Recovery options:. Anything larger would be impractical. For one, the memory dump file itself consumes a great deal of disk space, which can be at a premium. Second, moving the memory dump file from the server to another location, including transferring over a network can take considerable time.

The file can be compressed but that also takes free disk space during compression. The memory dump files usually compress very well, and it is recommended to compress before copying externally or sending to Microsoft for analysis. On systems with more than about 32 GB of RAM, the only feasible memory dump types are kernel, automatic, and active where applicable.

Kernel and automatic are the same, the only difference is that Windows can adjust the paging file during a stop condition with the automatic type, which can allow for successfully capturing a memory dump file the first time in many conditions. A 50 GB or more file is hard to work with due to sheer size, and can be difficult or impossible to examine in debugging tools.

In many, or even most cases, the Windows default recovery options are optimal for most debugging scenarios. The purpose of this article is to convey settings that cover the few cases where more than a kernel memory dump is needed the first time. Nobody wants to hear that they need to reconfigure the computing device, wait for the problem to happen again, then get another memory dump either automatically or through a forced method.

The problem comes from the fact that the Windows has two different main areas of memory: user-mode and kernel-mode. User-mode memory is where applications and user-mode services operate. Kernel-mode is where system services and drivers operate. This explanation is extremely simplistic. More information on user-mode and kernel-mode memory can be found at this location on the Internet:. User mode and kernel mode. What happens if we have a system with a large amount of memory, we encounter or force a crash, examine the resulting memory dump file, and determine we need user-mode address space to continue analysis?

This is the scenario we did not want to encounter. We have to reconfigure the system, reboot, and wait for the abnormal condition to occur again. The secondary problem is we must have sufficient free disk space available.

If we have a secondary local drive, we can redirect the memory dump file to that location, which could solve the second problem. The first one is still having a large enough paging file. If the paging file is not large enough, or the output file location does not have enough disk space, or the process of writing the dump file is interrupted, we will not obtain a good memory dump file.

In this case we will not know until we try. Wait, we already covered this. The trick is that we have to temporarily limit the amount of physical RAM available to Windows. The numbers do not have to be exact multiples of 2.

The last condition we have to meet is to ensure the output location has enough free disk space to write out the memory dump file. Once the configurations have been set, restart the system and then either start the issue reproduction efforts, or wait for the abnormal conditions to occur through the normal course of operation.

Note that with reduced RAM, there ability to serve workloads will be greatly reduced. Once the debugging information has been obtained, the previous settings can be reversed to put the system back into normal operation. This is a lot of effort to go through and is certainly not automatic. But in the case where user-mode memory is needed, this could be the only option.

Figure 1: System Configuration Tool. Figure 2: Maximum memory boot configuration. Figure 3: Maximum memory set to 16 GB. With a reduced amount of physical RAM, there may now be sufficient disk space available to capture a complete memory dump file. In the majority of cases, a bugcheck in a virtual machine results in the successful collection of a memory dump file. The common problem with virtual machines is disk space required for a memory dump file. The default Windows configuration Automatic memory dump will result in the best possible memory dump file using the smallest amount of disk space possible.

The main factors preventing successful collection of a memory dump file are paging file size, and disk output space for the resulting memory dump file after the reboot. These drives may be presented to the VM as a local disk, that can be configured as the destination for a paging file or crashdump file. The problem occurs in case a Windows virtual machine calls KeBugCheckEx , and the location for the Crashdump file is configured to write to a virtual disk hosted on a file share.

Depending on the exact method of disk presentation, the virtual disk may not be available when needed to write to either the paging file, or the location configured to save a crashdump file. It may be necessary to change the crashdump file type to kernel to limit the size of the crashdump file.

Either that, or temporarily add a local virtual disk to the VM and then configure that drive to be the dedicated crashdump location. How to use the DedicatedDumpFile registry value to overcome space limitations on the system drive when capturing a system memory dump. The important point is to ensure that a disk used for paging file, or for a crashdump destination drive, are available at the beginning of the operating system startup process.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure is a technology that presents a desktop to a computer user, with most of the compute requirements residing in the back-end infrastructure, as opposed to the user requiring a full-featured physical computer. Usually the VDI desktop is accessed via a kiosk device, a web browser, or an older physical computer that may otherwise be unsuitable for day-to-day computing needs.

Non-persistent VDI means that any changes to the desktop presented to the user are discarded when the user logs off. Even writes to the paging file are redirected to the write cache disk.

Typically the write cache disk is sized for normal day-to-day computer use. The problem occurs that, in the event of a bugcheck, the paging file may no longer be accessible. Even if the pagefile is accessible, the location for the memory dump would ultimately be the write cache disk.

Even if the pagefile on the write cache disk could save the output of the bugcheck data from memory, that data may be discarded on reboot. Even if not, the write cache drive may not have sufficient free disk space to save the memory dump file.

In the event a Windows operating system goes non-responsive, additional steps may need to be taken to capture a memory dump.

Setting a registry value called CrashOnCtrlScroll provides a method to force a kernel bugcheck using a keyboard sequence.

This will trigger the bugcheck code, and should result in saving a memory dump file. A restart is required for the registry value to take effect. This situation may also help in the case of accessing a virtual computer and a right CTRL key is not available.

For server-class, and possibly some high-end workstations, there is a method called Non-Maskable Interrupt NMI that can lead to a kernel bugcheck. The NMI method can often be triggered over the network using an interface card with a network connection that allows remote connection to the server over the network, even when the operating system is not running. In the case of a virtual machine that is non-responsive, and cannot otherwise be restarted, there is a PowerShell method available.

This command can be issued to the virtual machine from the Windows hypervisor that is currently running that VM. The big challenge in the cloud computing age is accessing a non-responsive computer that is in a datacenter somewhere, and your only access method is over the network. In the case of a physical server there may be an interface card that has a network connection, that can provide console access over the network.

Other methods such as virtual machines, it can be impossible to connect to a non-responsive virtual machine over the network only. The trick though is to be able to run NotMyFault. If you know that you are going to see a non-responsive state in some amount of reasonable time, an administrator can open an elevated. Some other methods such as starting a scheduled task, or using PSEXEC to start a process remotely probably will not work, because if the system is non-responsive, this usually includes the networking stack.

Hopefully this will help you with your crash dump configurations and collecting the data you need to resolve your issues. Hello Paul Bergson back again, and I wanted to bring up another security topic.

There has been a lot of work by enterprises to protect their infrastructure with patching and server hardening, but one area that is often overlooked when it comes to credential theft and that is legacy protocol retirement. To better understand my point, American football is very fast and violent. Professional teams spend a lot of money on their quarterbacks.

Quarterbacks are often the highest paid player on the team and the one who guides the offense. There are many legendary offensive linemen who have played the game and during their time of play they dominated the opposing defensive linemen. Over time though, these legends begin to get injured and slow down do to natural aging. Unfortunately, I see all too often, enterprises running old protocols that have been compromised, with in the wild exploits defined, to attack these weak protocols.

TLS 1. The WannaCrypt ransomware attack, worked to infect a first internal endpoint. The initial attack could have started from phishing, drive-by, etc… Once a device was compromised, it used an SMB v1 vulnerability in a worm-like attack to laterally spread internally. A second round of attacks occurred about 1 month later named Petya, it also worked to infect an internal endpoint.

Once it had a compromised device, it expanded its capabilities by not only laterally moving via the SMB vulnerability it had automated credential theft and impersonation to expand on the number devices it could compromise. This is why it is becoming so important for enterprises to retire old outdated equipment, even if it still works! The above listed services should all be scheduled for retirement since they risk the security integrity of the enterprise.

The cost to recover from a malware attack can easily exceed the costs of replacement of old equipment or services. Improvements in computer hardware and software algorithms have made this protocol vulnerable to published attacks for obtaining user credentials. As with any changes to your environment, it is recommended to test this prior to pushing into production.

If there are legacy protocols in use, an enterprise does run the risk of services becoming unavailable. To disable the use of security protocols on a device, changes need to be made within the registry. Once the changes have been made a reboot is necessary for the changes to take effect. The registry settings below are ciphers that can be configured. Note: Disabling TLS 1. Microsoft highly recommends that this protocol be disabled. KB provides the ability to disable its use, but by itself does not prevent its use.

For complete details see below. The PowerShell command above will provide details on whether or not the protocol has been installed on a device. Ralph Kyttle has written a nice Blog on how to detect, in a large scale, devices that have SMBv1 enabled. Once you have found devices with the SMBv1 protocol installed, the device should be monitored to see if it is even being used.

Open up Event Viewer and review any events that might be listed. The tool provides client and web server testing. From an enterprise perspective you will have to look at the enabled ciphers on the device via the Registry as shown above. If it is found that it is enabled, prior to disabling, Event Logs should be inspected so as to possibly not impact current applications.


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Resources Icon. Visualization Input File PortEx. Tip: Click an analysed process below to view more details. This report was generated with enabled TOR analysis. Domain Address Registrar Country yandex. COM EMail abuse key-systems. Associated Artifacts for yandex. Associated Artifacts for subca. Associated Artifacts for ocsp. COM EMail domainabuse cscglobal.

UK Name Server ns1. ORG EMail hostmaster letsencrypt. Associated Artifacts for crls. NET EMail abuse safenames. Associated Artifacts for 5. Associated Artifacts for Adversaries may execute a binary, command, or script via a method that interacts with Windows services, such as the Service Control Manager.

Learn more. Credential Access Persistence Privilege Escalation. Windows processes often leverage application programming interface API functions to perform tasks that require reusable system resources. Sets a global windows hook to intercept mouse events.

Loads rich edit control libraries. Loadable Kernel Modules or LKMs are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into the kernel upon demand. Adding an entry to the “run keys” in the Registry or startup folder will cause the program referenced to be executed when a user logs in.

Defense Evasion Privilege Escalation. Process injection is a method of executing arbitrary code in the address space of a separate live process. Writes data to a remote process Allocates virtual memory in a remote process.

Probe can be single-stranded or double-stranded. In some embodiments, probe can be with purified restrictive digestion Product is prepared or produced in a manner of synthesizing, recombinating or PCR is expanded.

In other embodiment, probe can include with The material that specific peptide sequence combines. Probe groups as described herein can include the group of one or more probes, and it is designed to pair Should be in the peptide in individual gene group position or protein sequence. ShRNA can also include non-natural element, for example, such as hypoxanthine and Huang are fast The non-natural such as the non-natural nucleotides such as purine, 2 ‘-methoxyl group ribose sugar, or such as methyl phosphonate, thiophosphate and peptide Deng non-natural phosphate diester linkage.

The monomer for forming polynucleotides and oligonucleotides can be by means of the rule sexual norm of monomer-monomer interaction such as the base pairing of Watson-Crick types, base stacking, Hoogsteen types or reverse Hoogsteen types base pairing etc. Such monomer and its nucleoside bond can be naturally occurring, or Person can be its analog, such as naturally occurring or non-naturally occurring analog.

Non-naturally occurring analog can include PNA, LNA, thiophosphate nucleoside bond, contain the linking group for allowing to mark such as fluorogen or haptens etc. No matter when the application of oligonucleotides or polynucleotides needs enzymatic processing such as to extend, pass through by polymerase Ligase connects, etc. The size of polynucleotides is usual For several monomeric units being now called ” oligonucleotides ” to thousands of monomeric units.

On the other hand, the method for this specification can include at least a portion for making the first probe groups and the second probe groups Hybridize respectively with the first object nucleic acid area in the nucleic acid molecule of genetic material and the second target nucleic acid area. Part or all of probe can be with the single-stranded or double-stranded nucleic acid molecule in sample, protein or anti- Part or all of hybridization of target area in body.

Probe can be designed or configured to ideally hybridize with target region or molecule, or it Can be designed to that single base mismatch such as SNP or SNP site or a small amount of such mispairing can not produce probe With the crossbred of target molecule.

The mark of some structures easily may be influenceed by ozone degradation. May when they are converted to dry state from wet condition It is especially true. For example, Alexa is significantly degraded by the ozone of normal level.

In the case of single molecule array, such degraded The deviation of counting will be caused, it is necessary to it is corrected, otherwise may cause the result of mistake. This will cause with ozone degradation compared with The conventional arrays of low signal intensity are opposite. In some cases, partly or entirely measure and array hybridisation step can be in nothings Carried out in the environment that ozone or ozone reduce.

Although ozone degradation is a known phenomenon that, it is special for monomolecular counting Harmful, because the fluorogen each lost directly affects the accuracy of counting. The method for measuring the ozone-depleting of particular dye It may be used as QC methods or for error correction.

In this embodiment, visit Different probe in pin group can be covalently joined together, to form larger oligonucleotide molecules. In another embodiment, Probe groups can be designed to discontinuous but close target nucleic acid area partial hybridization, so as in target nucleic acid area exist not by ” breach ” for one or more nucleotides that probe occupies, it is located between the probe hybridized of probe groups.

In the embodiment party In formula, new polynucleotides sequence can be synthesized using archaeal dna polymerase or other enzymes, covalently engagement comes from list in some cases Two probes of one probe groups. In probe groups, any probe can carry one or more for identifying or separating for locus Individual mark or affinity tag. The probe that the mode hybridized allows to modify in probe groups with formed new larger molecular entity such as Probe product.

This paper probe can hybridize with target nucleic acid area under strict conditions. As used herein, term is ” strict ” uses To refer to the conditions such as the presence of temperature, ionic strength and other compounds such as organic solvent , it is miscellaneous that nucleic acid is carried out under this condition Hand over.

Can using stingent hybridization separating and Detect identical polynucleotide sequence or the separation polynucleotide sequence similar or related with detection. Under ” stringent condition “, Nucleotide sequence can be hybridized with its all or part of and its fully-complementary sequence and the sequence that is closely related. In some embodiments, probe product can be just formed when the probe only in probe groups correctly hybridizes.

Cause This, probe product can be formed with high stringency and high accuracy. Similarly, probe product can contain enough information to reflect Surely the genome sequence to be inquired about of probe product is designed. Therefore, produce and the specific probe product of direct quantitative is in the situation Under, pass through numerator counts abundance of specific gene sequence in initial sample can be reflected.

In other embodiment, the construction probe target nucleic acid area to be hybridized is located in different chromosome. On the other hand, the method for this specification can include the first label probe of connection and the first Signature probes, and Connect the second label probe and the second Signature probes. This paper connection refers to link together two probes example Such as connect two nucleic acid molecules process.

For example, this paper connection can include formed connection two nucleotides 3 ‘, 5 ‘- Phosphodiester bond, the bridging agent as the reagent that can cause connection can be enzyme or chemical agent.

In addition, the amplification of the probe through connection can be carried out simultaneously, or carried out before fixed probe. As used herein, term ” polymerase chain reaction ” PCR refers to be used to increase target sequence example Such as in the mixture with genomic DNA section method of the concentration without cloning or purifying.

Pass through two oligonucleotides The relative position of primer relative to each other is come the length of the amplification section of target sequence needed for determining, therefore, the length is controllable Parameter. By means of the repetition of the process, this method is referred to as ” polymerase chain reaction ” hereinafter referred to as ” PCR “.

Due to target sequence Required amplification section be changed into leading sequence in terms of concentration in the mixture, therefore referred to as ” through PCR amplifications “. Using PCR, can by the specific target sequence amplification of the single copy in genomic DNA to several distinct methods such as with passing through The probe hybridization of mark level that is able to detect that. In addition to genomic DNA, it can be expanded with suitable primer molecule group Any oligonucleotide sequence.

Specifically, the inherently subsequent PCR amplifications of PCR processes itself are formed amplification section Efficient template. If can obtain allows the detection chemistry that reaction product is measured when amplified reaction is carried out, such as Leone etc. Primer is typically single-stranded so that the efficiency in amplification maximizes, but can be alternatively double-strand.

If Double-strand, generally for first handling primer before preparing extension products so that its chain to be separated. The denaturing step is generally heated Influence, but using alkali and then can alternatively neutralize to carry out. The sequence that such primer pair generally includes the Part I of sequence and target nucleic acid is same or similar The first primer, and complementary the second primer of sequence of the Part II of sequence and target nucleic acid, so as to provide target nucleic acid or its piece The amplification of section.

Unless otherwise noted, it is arbitrary that ” first ” and ” second “, which is mentioned herein,. For example, the first primer can be designed as ” forward primer ” it triggers the synthesis of nucleic acid from 5 ‘-end of target nucleic acid or be designed as ” reverse primer ” its from extension produce The synthesis for triggering nucleic acid is acted in the 5 ‘ of thing-end, and the extension products are triggered synthetically produced by forward primer.

Similarly, second Primer can be designed as forward primer or reverse primer. In some embodiments, the target nucleic acid area in this paper nucleic acid molecule can pass through amplification as described herein Method is expanded.

Nucleic acid in sample can use universal amplification method such as whole genome amplification and full-length genome PCR Expanded, or do not expanded before analysis.

In other embodiment, methods described is not included in the nucleotides of amplification genetic material after hybridization or connection Molecule. In further embodiment, methods described is not included in the nucleotides of amplification genetic material after hybridization and connection Molecule.

On the other hand, the method for this specification can include the precalculated position being fixed to Signature probes on substrate. This paper fixation refer to by physically or chemically connect Signature probes are directly or indirectly bound to it is pre- on substrate Positioning is put. In some embodiments, this paper substrate can include binding partners, and the binding partners are configured to contact and tied The part or all of label being bonded in Signature probes as described herein, and the label is fixed, and thus fixed packet containing described The Signature probes of label.

The label of Signature probes can include the corresponding of the binding partners on substrate as described herein and combine companion Companion. In some embodiments, substrate can include one or more benchmark fiducial to position the position on substrate Put. In other embodiments, substrate can include one or more blank spots that can be used for determining background level.

These include By the labeled molecule being attached to non specific manner on surface and other that labeled molecule may be mistaken as Particle background caused by bulk material. Fixation can be by being hybridized to the part or all of binding partners on substrate to enter by part or all of Signature probes OK.

For example, fixing step include at least a portion of label or tag nucleotide sequence being hybridized on substrate it is fixed corresponding Nucleic acid molecule.

Herein, corresponding nucleotide molecule is structured to what is partly or entirely hybridized with label or tag nucleotide sequence The binding partners of label or tag nucleotide sequence. In some embodiments, oligonucleotides or polynucleotides binding partners can To be single-stranded, and substrate can be attached to for example, by 5 ‘ ends or 3 ‘ terminal covalents. One for preferably using powered surfaces A little applications, superficial layer can be tied as the polyelectrolyte multilayer PEM as shown in U.

Patent Application Publication No. In some embodiments, fixation can be carried out by known method, methods described include for example make probe with it is attached Carrier contact a period of time of binding partners, after probe exhausts because of extension, alternatively by with through fixed extension The suitable liquid wash of the carrier of product.

In other embodiment, probe product, which is fixed on substrate, to be allowed Violent washing is carried out to remove composition from biological sample and measure, background noise is thus reduced and improves the degree of accuracy.

In some embodiments, at least one surface of substrate is substantially flat, but at it Ideally it can be physically separate from being directed to such as hole, nano-pore, riser region, spike or etching groove in its embodiment The synthesis region of different compounds. In other embodiment, substrate can include at least one planar solid phase carrier such as Microslide, cover glass. According to other embodiment, substrate can use pearl, resin, gel, microballoon, liquid The form of drop or other geometric configurations.

In some embodiments, can be with it is desirable that in semiconductor chip, nanometer bottle, photoelectricity two Pole pipe, electrode, nanometer cave nanopore , riser region, spike, etching groove or other be physically physically separate from area Domain, such as hole, nano-pore, micropore. In another embodiment, solid carrier can be divided by chemical means, such as be set Put the hydrophobicity or hydrophilic region for repelling or attracting the material being deposited on substrate.

Substrate may be mounted in keeping body, carrier, box, workbench embedded groove stage insert or other forms, Its provide stability, prevent protection affected by environment, be easier or more accurate processing, be easier or more accurate imaging, Automatic capability or other desired characteristics.

This paper array With multiple components , it between the components can be with or without overlapping 6. Each component can have at least one Individual region not with another overlapped thereto and In other embodiment, each component can have different shapes such as round dot , triangle 9 and square 10 and size.

In other embodiment, component as described herein can have at least two not in one or more assemblies Same label or affinity tag. The various combinations of label may reside in single component or be present in multiple components. Array can include one group of identical or different array.

The component of the group can be substrate, microtiter plate, battle array Row, microarray, flow cell or their mixture. In some embodiments, using identical or different probe in the group battle array The upper test identical sample of one or more of row. Each array in group can be used for testing identical or different heredity change It is different. Given array in group is used for the multiple different samples of identical or different probe test.

For example, this type Array can include one group of microtiter plate. In each hole of plate, different samples can be tested. First in group is micro- Measure in titer plate, the specific hereditary variation of all samples can be tested.

The image of the example components 8 of some embodiments of the present invention is shown with symbol In addition, each component of the array on substrate can be provided with identical shape Shape and size. In other embodiment, the component of array At least only it can be distinguished from each other out by its position.

Herein, the distance two components of array separated can be by the beeline between module edge come really It is fixed. For example, it is the distance represented by symbol n by the distance that two element numbers 3 and 4 of array 2 separate in Fig. Separately Outside, for example, the beeline that the component of the array 2 on substrate 1 is separated is 0, such as two components symbol by array Number 10 and 11 distances separated.

In other embodiments, two components of array can not separate, and can have Overlapping 6. In such embodiment, each component at least can have and the nonoverlapping region of another component 7. In some embodiments, the size of array component and the density of labeled probe as described herein can utilize The volume of the material being deposited on substrate controls.

It is, for example, possible to use 0. In additional examples, can use less than 0. In further example, can use more than 0. In other embodiment, method described herein can be including the use of sept such as Oligo DT , flesh Propylhomoserin, detergent or other additives produce the distribution evenly for the labeled probe being fixed on substrate.

These Parting can not have function, and not interacted with any ad hoc fashion and labeled oligonucleotides. For example, it is being spaced Thing oligonucleotides and labeled oligonucleotides interact through sequence-specific is not present between fixed oligonucleotides.

This paper precalculated position refer to determine before fixing or The position of identification. For example, the shape and size of each component of array are determined or identified before fixing. In further embodiment, The substrate can include array, the combination companion that each component of the array is included and the region spatially limited or position are combined Companion.

For example, the address of the end attachment portion of probe groups is locus, for example, the copy of the end attachment portion of fixed probe groups Specific region plane coordinates. But the end attachment portion of probe groups can also be addressed otherwise, such as pass through face Frequency of color or micro- transponder etc.

In one aspect, method described herein does not include conduct The random micro of microballon planar array. It is, for example, possible to use DNA capture arrays. DNA capture arrays are to be covalently attached to have oligonucleotides after positioning on surface Solid substrate such as cover glass. These oligonucleotides can have one or more types on the surface, and can be with It is geographically separated on substrate.

Under hybridization conditions, compared with other unspecific parts, DNA capture arrays can be combined preferentially Complementary target, it is consequently for positioning target to surface and separating itself and undesirable material.

This paper label probe refers to comprising mark or is configured to the probe combined with mark. Label probe itself can be with Comprising mark, can either be combined through modifying comprising mark or with mark. The definition of this paper probe through amplification be By the additional copy of caused starting probe after starting probe amplification as described herein. Spy through amplification Pin can contain the sequence with originating the nucleotide sequence portion of probe or matching completely.

Term ” complementation ” or ” complementarity ” are used for Refer to the nucleotide sequence being related to by base pairing rules. Complementarity can be ” part ” or ” whole “. This paper definition through fixed probe is that the spy of substrate is directly or indirectly bound to by physically or chemically connecting Pin. On the next restart, Windows checks a flag in the paging file that tells Windows that there is debugging information in the paging file.

Please see KB for more information on this hotfix. Herein lies the problem. One of the Recovery options is memory dump file type. There are a number of memory.

For reference, here are the types of memory dump files that can be configured in Recovery options:. Anything larger would be impractical. For one, the memory dump file itself consumes a great deal of disk space, which can be at a premium. Second, moving the memory dump file from the server to another location, including transferring over a network can take considerable time.

The file can be compressed but that also takes free disk space during compression. The memory dump files usually compress very well, and it is recommended to compress before copying externally or sending to Microsoft for analysis. On systems with more than about 32 GB of RAM, the only feasible memory dump types are kernel, automatic, and active where applicable.

Kernel and automatic are the same, the only difference is that Windows can adjust the paging file during a stop condition with the automatic type, which can allow for successfully capturing a memory dump file the first time in many conditions. A 50 GB or more file is hard to work with due to sheer size, and can be difficult or impossible to examine in debugging tools. In many, or even most cases, the Windows default recovery options are optimal for most debugging scenarios.

The purpose of this article is to convey settings that cover the few cases where more than a kernel memory dump is needed the first time. Nobody wants to hear that they need to reconfigure the computing device, wait for the problem to happen again, then get another memory dump either automatically or through a forced method. The problem comes from the fact that the Windows has two different main areas of memory: user-mode and kernel-mode.

User-mode memory is where applications and user-mode services operate. Kernel-mode is where system services and drivers operate. This explanation is extremely simplistic. More information on user-mode and kernel-mode memory can be found at this location on the Internet:. User mode and kernel mode. What happens if we have a system with a large amount of memory, we encounter or force a crash, examine the resulting memory dump file, and determine we need user-mode address space to continue analysis?

This is the scenario we did not want to encounter. We have to reconfigure the system, reboot, and wait for the abnormal condition to occur again. The secondary problem is we must have sufficient free disk space available.

If we have a secondary local drive, we can redirect the memory dump file to that location, which could solve the second problem. The first one is still having a large enough paging file. If the paging file is not large enough, or the output file location does not have enough disk space, or the process of writing the dump file is interrupted, we will not obtain a good memory dump file.

In this case we will not know until we try. Wait, we already covered this. The trick is that we have to temporarily limit the amount of physical RAM available to Windows.

The numbers do not have to be exact multiples of 2. The last condition we have to meet is to ensure the output location has enough free disk space to write out the memory dump file. Once the configurations have been set, restart the system and then either start the issue reproduction efforts, or wait for the abnormal conditions to occur through the normal course of operation. Note that with reduced RAM, there ability to serve workloads will be greatly reduced.

Once the debugging information has been obtained, the previous settings can be reversed to put the system back into normal operation. This is a lot of effort to go through and is certainly not automatic. But in the case where user-mode memory is needed, this could be the only option. Figure 1: System Configuration Tool. Figure 2: Maximum memory boot configuration. Figure 3: Maximum memory set to 16 GB.

With a reduced amount of physical RAM, there may now be sufficient disk space available to capture a complete memory dump file. In the majority of cases, a bugcheck in a virtual machine results in the successful collection of a memory dump file. The common problem with virtual machines is disk space required for a memory dump file. The default Windows configuration Automatic memory dump will result in the best possible memory dump file using the smallest amount of disk space possible.

The main factors preventing successful collection of a memory dump file are paging file size, and disk output space for the resulting memory dump file after the reboot. These drives may be presented to the VM as a local disk, that can be configured as the destination for a paging file or crashdump file. The problem occurs in case a Windows virtual machine calls KeBugCheckEx , and the location for the Crashdump file is configured to write to a virtual disk hosted on a file share.

Depending on the exact method of disk presentation, the virtual disk may not be available when needed to write to either the paging file, or the location configured to save a crashdump file. It may be necessary to change the crashdump file type to kernel to limit the size of the crashdump file. Either that, or temporarily add a local virtual disk to the VM and then configure that drive to be the dedicated crashdump location.

How to use the DedicatedDumpFile registry value to overcome space limitations on the system drive when capturing a system memory dump. The important point is to ensure that a disk used for paging file, or for a crashdump destination drive, are available at the beginning of the operating system startup process.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure is a technology that presents a desktop to a computer user, with most of the compute requirements residing in the back-end infrastructure, as opposed to the user requiring a full-featured physical computer. Usually the VDI desktop is accessed via a kiosk device, a web browser, or an older physical computer that may otherwise be unsuitable for day-to-day computing needs.

Non-persistent VDI means that any changes to the desktop presented to the user are discarded when the user logs off. Even writes to the paging file are redirected to the write cache disk. Typically the write cache disk is sized for normal day-to-day computer use. The problem occurs that, in the event of a bugcheck, the paging file may no longer be accessible. Even if the pagefile is accessible, the location for the memory dump would ultimately be the write cache disk.

Even if the pagefile on the write cache disk could save the output of the bugcheck data from memory, that data may be discarded on reboot. Even if not, the write cache drive may not have sufficient free disk space to save the memory dump file. In the event a Windows operating system goes non-responsive, additional steps may need to be taken to capture a memory dump. Setting a registry value called CrashOnCtrlScroll provides a method to force a kernel bugcheck using a keyboard sequence.

This will trigger the bugcheck code, and should result in saving a memory dump file. A restart is required for the registry value to take effect. This situation may also help in the case of accessing a virtual computer and a right CTRL key is not available. For server-class, and possibly some high-end workstations, there is a method called Non-Maskable Interrupt NMI that can lead to a kernel bugcheck.

The NMI method can often be triggered over the network using an interface card with a network connection that allows remote connection to the server over the network, even when the operating system is not running.

In the case of a virtual machine that is non-responsive, and cannot otherwise be restarted, there is a PowerShell method available. This command can be issued to the virtual machine from the Windows hypervisor that is currently running that VM. The big challenge in the cloud computing age is accessing a non-responsive computer that is in a datacenter somewhere, and your only access method is over the network.

In the case of a physical server there may be an interface card that has a network connection, that can provide console access over the network. Other methods such as virtual machines, it can be impossible to connect to a non-responsive virtual machine over the network only. The trick though is to be able to run NotMyFault. If you know that you are going to see a non-responsive state in some amount of reasonable time, an administrator can open an elevated.

Some other methods such as starting a scheduled task, or using PSEXEC to start a process remotely probably will not work, because if the system is non-responsive, this usually includes the networking stack. Hopefully this will help you with your crash dump configurations and collecting the data you need to resolve your issues.

Hello Paul Bergson back again, and I wanted to bring up another security topic. There has been a lot of work by enterprises to protect their infrastructure with patching and server hardening, but one area that is often overlooked when it comes to credential theft and that is legacy protocol retirement.

To better understand my point, American football is very fast and violent. Professional teams spend a lot of money on their quarterbacks. Quarterbacks are often the highest paid player on the team and the one who guides the offense.

There are many legendary offensive linemen who have played the game and during their time of play they dominated the opposing defensive linemen. Over time though, these legends begin to get injured and slow down do to natural aging. Unfortunately, I see all too often, enterprises running old protocols that have been compromised, with in the wild exploits defined, to attack these weak protocols. TLS 1. The WannaCrypt ransomware attack, worked to infect a first internal endpoint.

The initial attack could have started from phishing, drive-by, etc… Once a device was compromised, it used an SMB v1 vulnerability in a worm-like attack to laterally spread internally.

A second round of attacks occurred about 1 month later named Petya, it also worked to infect an internal endpoint. Once it had a compromised device, it expanded its capabilities by not only laterally moving via the SMB vulnerability it had automated credential theft and impersonation to expand on the number devices it could compromise.

This is why it is becoming so important for enterprises to retire old outdated equipment, even if it still works! The above listed services should all be scheduled for retirement since they risk the security integrity of the enterprise. The cost to recover from a malware attack can easily exceed the costs of replacement of old equipment or services.

Improvements in computer hardware and software algorithms have made this protocol vulnerable to published attacks for obtaining user credentials. As with any changes to your environment, it is recommended to test this prior to pushing into production.

If there are legacy protocols in use, an enterprise does run the risk of services becoming unavailable. To disable the use of security protocols on a device, changes need to be made within the registry. Once the changes have been made a reboot is necessary for the changes to take effect. The registry settings below are ciphers that can be configured. Note: Disabling TLS 1. Microsoft highly recommends that this protocol be disabled. KB provides the ability to disable its use, but by itself does not prevent its use.

For complete details see below. The PowerShell command above will provide details on whether or not the protocol has been installed on a device. Ralph Kyttle has written a nice Blog on how to detect, in a large scale, devices that have SMBv1 enabled. Once you have found devices with the SMBv1 protocol installed, the device should be monitored to see if it is even being used.

Open up Event Viewer and review any events that might be listed. The tool provides client and web server testing. From an enterprise perspective you will have to look at the enabled ciphers on the device via the Registry as shown above. If it is found that it is enabled, prior to disabling, Event Logs should be inspected so as to possibly not impact current applications. Hello all!

Nathan Penn back again with a follow-up to Demystifying Schannel. While finishing up the original post, I realized that having a simpler method to disable the various components of Schannel might be warranted.

If you remember that article, I detailed that defining a custom cipher suite list that the system can use can be accomplished and centrally managed easily enough through a group policy administrative template. However, there is no such administrative template for you to use to disable specific Schannel components in a similar manner. The result being, if you wanted to disable RC4 on multiple systems in an enterprise you needed to manually configure the registry key on each system, push a registry key update via some mechanism, or run a third party application and manage it.

Well, to that end, I felt a solution that would allow for centralized management was a necessity, and since none existed, I created a custom group policy administrative template. The administrative template leverages the same registry components we brought up in the original post, now just providing an intuitive GUI. For starters, the ever-important logging capability that I showcased previously, has been built-in. So, before anything gets disabled, we can enable the diagnostic logging to review and verify that we are not disabling something that is in use.

While many may be eager to start disabling components, I cannot stress the importance of reviewing the diagnostic logging to confirm what workstations, application servers, and domain controllers are using as a first step. Once we have completed that ever important review of our logs and confirmed that components are no longer in use, or required, we can start disabling.

Within each setting is the ability to Enable the policy and then selectively disable any, or all, of the underlying Schannel components.

Remember, Schannel protocols, ciphers, hashing algorithms, or key exchanges are enabled and controlled solely through the configured cipher suites by default, so everything is on.

To disable a component, enable the policy and then checkbox the desired component that is to be disabled. Note, that to ensure that there is always an Schannel protocol, cipher, hashing algorithm, and key exchange available to build the full cipher suite, the strongest and most current components of each category was intentionally not added.

Finally, when it comes to practical application and moving forward with these initiatives, start small. I find that workstations is the easiest place to start. Create a new group policy that you can security target to just a few workstations.

Enable the logging and then review. Then re-verify that the logs show they are only using TLS. At this point, you are ready to test disabling the other Schannel protocols. Once disabled, test to ensure the client can communicate out as before, and any client management capability that you have is still operational. If that is the case, then you may want to add a few more workstations to the group policy security target. And only once I am satisfied that everything is working would I schedule to roll out to systems in mass.

After workstations, I find that Domain Controllers are the next easy stop. With Domain Controllers, I always want them configured the identically, so feel free to leverage a pre-existing policy that is linked to the Domain Controllers OU and affects them all or create a new one. The important part here is that I review the diagnostic logging on all the Domain Controllers before proceeding.

Lastly, I target application servers grouped by the application, or service they provide. Working through each grouping just as I did with the workstations. Creating a new group policy, targeting a few systems, reviewing those systems, re-configuring applications as necessary, re-verifying, and then making changes.

Both of these options will re-enable the components the next time group policy processes on the system. To leverage the custom administrative template we need to add them to our Policy Definition store. Once added, the configuration options become available under:. Each option includes a detailed description of what can be controlled as well as URLs to additional information. You can download the custom Schannel ADM files by clicking here!

I could try to explain what the krbtgt account is, but here is a short article on the KDC and the krbtgt to take a look at:. Both items of information are also used in tickets to identify the issuing authority. For information about name forms and addressing conventions, see RFC This provides cryptographic isolation between KDCs in different branches, which prevents a compromised RODC from issuing service tickets to resources in other branches or a hub site.

The RODC does not have the krbtgt secret. Thus, when removing a compromised RODC, the domain krbtgt account is not lost. So we asked, what changes have been made recently? In this case, the customer was unsure about what exactly happened, and these events seem to have started out of nowhere. They reported no major changes done for AD in the past 2 months and suspected that this might be an underlying problem for a long time. So, we investigated the events and when we looked at it granularly we found that the event was coming from a RODC:.

Computer: ContosoDC. Internal event: Active Directory Domain Services could not update the following object with changes received from the following source directory service. This is because an error occurred during the application of the changes to Active Directory Domain Services on the directory service.

To reproduce this error in lab we followed the below steps: —. If you have a RODC in your environment, do keep this in mind. Thanks for reading, and hope this helps! Hi there! Windows Defender Antivirus is a built-in antimalware solution that provides security and antimalware management for desktops, portable computers, and servers. This library of documentation is aimed for enterprise security administrators who are either considering deployment, or have already deployed and are wanting to manage and configure Windows Defender AV on PC endpoints in their network.

Nathan Penn and Jason McClure here to cover some PKI basics, techniques to effectively manage certificate stores, and also provide a script we developed to deal with common certificate store issue we have encountered in several enterprise environments certificate truncation due to too many installed certificate authorities.

To get started we need to review some core concepts of how PKI works. Some of these certificates are local and installed on your computer, while some are installed on the remote site. The lock lets us know that the communication between our computer and the remote site is encrypted. But why, and how do we establish that trust? Regardless of the process used by the site to get the certificate, the Certificate Chain, also called the Certification Path, is what establishes the trust relationship between the computer and the remote site and is shown below.

As you can see, the certificate chain is a hierarchal collection of certificates that leads from the certificate the site is using support. To establish the trust relationship between a computer and the remote site, the computer must have the entirety of the certificate chain installed within what is referred to as the local Certificate Store. When this happens, a trust can be established and you get the lock icon shown above. But, if we are missing certs or they are in the incorrect location we start to see this error:.

The primary difference being that certificates loaded into the Computer store become global to all users on the computer, while certificates loaded into the User store are only accessible to the logged on user. To keep things simple, we will focus solely on the Computer store in this post. Leveraging the Certificates MMC certmgr. This tool also provides us the capability to efficiently review what certificates have been loaded, and if the certificates have been loaded into the correct location.

Trusted Root CAs are the certificate authority that establishes the top level of the hierarchy of trust. By definition this means that any certificate that belongs to a Trusted Root CA is generated, or issued, by itself. Simple stuff, right? We know about remote site certificates, the certificate chain they rely on, the local certificate store, and the difference between Root CAs and Intermediate CAs now.

But what about managing it all? On individual systems that are not domain joined, managing certificates can be easily accomplished through the same local Certificates MMC shown previously. In addition to being able to view the certificates currently loaded, the console provides the capability to import new, and delete existing certificates that are located within.

Using this approach, we can ensure that all systems in the domain have the same certificates loaded and in the appropriate store. It also provides the ability to add new certificates and remove unnecessary certificates as needed.

You must run the opt-in script to see it appear in the console. Keeping your infrastructure up to date is essential and recommended. You will benefit from the new features and fixes, which some of them can apply to your environment.

SCCM includes fewer new features and enhancements than its predecessors. There are still new features that touch site infrastructure, content management, client management, co-management, application management, operating system deployment, software updates, reporting, and configuration manager console.

Ensure to apply this update before you fall into an unsupported SCCM version. Read about the support end date of the prior version of the following Technet article. Older SCCM version was giving a warning during the Prerequisite check but is giving an error that prevents the installation from continuing. Plan to upgrade database servers in your environment, including SQL Server Express at secondary sites.

Downloading and installing this update is done entirely from the console. After the CAS upgrade, you can begin the upgrade of each child site. Complete the upgrade of each site before you begin to upgrade to the next site. Until all sites in your hierarchy are upgraded, your hierarchy operates in a mixed version mode. Before applying this update, we strongly recommend that you go through the upgrade checklist provided on Technet. Most importantly, initiate a site backup before you upgrade.

Configuration Manager current branch version has a warning prerequisite rule that checks for Microsoft. NET Framework version 4. This version of. NET is required on site servers, specific site systems, clients, and the Configuration Manager console. Starting in this release, this prerequisite rule for. NET 4. Until you upgrade. When the Configuration Manager client updates to version or later, client notifications are dependent upon.

Until you update. NET to version 4. Other client-side functionality may be affected until the device is updated and restarted. For more information, see More details about Microsoft.

In this post, we will update a stand-alone primary site server, consoles, and clients. Before installing, check if your site is ready for the update:.

The SCCM update is not yet available for everyone. If you need it right away you can run the Fast-Ring script and the update will show up. Before launching the update, we recommend launching the prerequisite check first. To see the prerequisite checklist, see the Microsoft Documentation. We are now ready to launch the SCCM update. At this point, plan about 45 minutes to install the update. Unfortunately, the status is not updated in real-time. Use the Refresh button to update the view.

There are actually no officially documented methods by Microsoft to fix that. Patience is the key! As a previous update, the console has an auto-update feature.

At the console opening, if you are not running the latest version, you will receive a warning and the update will start automatically. After setup is completed, verify the build number of the console. If the console upgrade was successful, the build number will be and the version is now Version The client version will be updated to 5.

Boot images will automatically update during setup. See our post on upgrade consideration in a large environment to avoid this if you have multiple distribution points.

Our preferred way to update our clients is by using the Client Upgrade feature: You can refer to our complete post documenting this feature. If you disabled database maintenance tasks at a site before installing the update, reconfigure those tasks. Use the same settings that were in place before the update.

You can see our SCCM Client version reports to give detailed information about every client version in your environment. In conclusion, you can create a collection that targets clients without the latest client version because is very useful when it comes to monitoring a non-compliant client. New build releases add new features, quality updates, and bug fixes. You may also need to identify the Windows version in a migration project or to plan your patch management deployments. For example, Windows 11 22H1 would mean that it was released in 20 22 in the first half of the year.

Where it gets more complicated is the Windows 11 revision or build number which is different depending on the patch applied to the OS. The first Windows 11 revision number was All KB and revision numbers are documented on Microsoft Documentation.

On a device running Windows 11 or Windows 10, you can run winver in a command window. You can also use this useful Powershell script from Trevor Jones. The script will show you:. You can use various tools in the SCCM console to do so. To see why, it suffices again to look at the composition example in Figure II. There, we see that the property pro- vided by the compress-decompress middleware is indeed provided to the sys- tem components. However, this is not the case for the property provided by the second middleware which breaks messages into packets.

This is because, the second middleware is not directly applied to messages exchanged by system components, but to those exchanged by the other middleware architecture. In most practical applications, however, this comes close enough to what we would like to obtain, as is probably the case with this artificial example. So, even though messages sent from a system component are not immediately broken into packets, they are so processed before being sent over the network, which is what we are really interested in, at least in most cases.

Having seen what it means for middleware architectures to be composed, we will now present how composition has been treated by others and how these different treatments and ideas relate to our work. The reason for this is that software systems are too complex to develop as a single object. The computing community has been doing so with procedures and functions in structured and functional programming, with objects in object oriented pro- gramming and now with software architectures.

However, the main problems remain always the same. First, how to prove that a given composition provides the required properties. Second, how to find a composition providing these properties given the basic subsystems. In this chapter, we present the work that has been done on composition and how it relates to our attempt at composing software architectures.

We start by examining how formal specifications are composed, then look at the treatment of composition in software architectures and finish with composition of software modules.

Composi- tional reasoning in specifications has been studied ever since the late seven- ties. A good introduction to the subject, with further links to the bibliography on the subject, is [31, Chapter 12]. It consists of breaking up the proof of correctness of a large system, by proving first that each of its components behaves correctly under the assumption that the rest of the components and the environment behave correctly.

Then, according to the assume-guarantee paradigm, we can conclude that the conjunction of the guarantees of the different components is provided by the whole system. However, this kind of reasoning has certain pitfalls, which Abadi and Lam- port [2] showed with the following example.

An implementation of them that does indeed guarantee the aforementioned property is a component m1 that does nothing, unless y becomes equal to 2, in which case it sets x to 1 and a component m2 that also does nothing, unless x becomes equal to 1, in which case it sets y to 2. Their composition will be a system that never does anything, which clearly guarantees that never x will be equal to 1 and never y will be equal to 2. This can be easily proved by taking again the two implementations m1 and m2 which do nothing unless the other variable takes the appropriate value.

Even though each of these implementations satisfy the new specifica- tions, their composition, which does nothing, does not satisfy the composition of the specifications. This problem is due to the fact that changing the word never with eventually changed the assumptions on the environment of each component and their guarantees from being safety properties, to being live- ness properties.

So, when given a particular system, we can always con- clude whether a safety property does not hold by examining some finite prefix of a run of the system. However, we cannot conclude so for liveness proper- ties, since for these we must study the infinite runs of the system to conclude whether they hold or not.

A fuller classification of temporal properties can be found in []. This is the reason why most compositional methods for proving the correctness of a system only deal with safety properties.

The restrictions are that each property must be a safety property and then that each different process must modify disjoint subsets of the system variables in an interleaved manner. Ken McMillan in [, , ] introduced a tech- nique that allows for verifying liveness properties as well. Then, he shows how this technique is automated with the Smv model checker.

These techniques, as well as further research on combining model checking with theorem proving [19, , , ] promise further advances in the automatic application of compositional reasoning techniques and in the verification of real world systems in general.

However, all the aforementioned techniques try to solve the problem of how to prove a specific composition correct and not the problem of how to find such a composition. Therefore, as far as the composition of software architectures is concerned, these methods are of use only at the latter stage where we have already a composition of the architectures and we wish to verify its correctness.

In this section, we give a synopsis of this work. We start with Moriconi et al. Section III. In Section III. Of these, the former is nothing more than the top-down refinement of an abstract architecture to a more concrete one, i. It is used to construct a hierarchy sequence of architectures, in a way that allows us to state that the architecture at the bottom is the most concrete implementation of the top-most one.

Moriconi et al. This, however, poses a problem for horizontal composition, since the latter does not preserve faithfulness in general. Horizontal composition is used to compose two existing architectures into larger ones. When the existing architectures share architectural elements, then their composition is performed by unifying them, i. When they do not share any elements, Moriconi et al. These elements will then be unified with the same elements in the other initial architectures, thus producing a composite architecture.

Figure III. As we aforementioned, horizontal composition is problematic with respect to faithful refinements. That is, the horizontal composition of the concrete architectures corresponding to the abstract ones, is not always a vertical com- position, i. As an example, Moriconi et al. Then, they assume the case where both flows are correctly implemented by their respective concrete architectures, but in one c1 , i.

Thus, the horizontal composition of the concrete architectures is not necessarily a faithful refinement of the composite abstract architecture. This fact means that each time we horizontally compose two architectures, we have to prove that the horizontal composition of their re- spective refinements is a faithful one.

Nevertheless, an architecture may have a number of different refinements defined, either because each one defines a different implementation or because each one is more detailed.

The num- ber of proofs one would have to perform each time he horizontally composes two architectures is usually prohibitive. Therefore, Moriconi et al. Specifically, they propose that the horizontal composition should be accepted as a faithful one, when the two abstract architectures share only components and their implementations, i.

Then, according to this syntactic criterion, architectures can be con- nected to form a composite system which will be correct, as long as the initial ones were so. It is rather obvious to note that compositions of this kind are not very help- ful for composing middleware architectures either. The unification of common components, effectively leads to the parallel composition we have seen in Fig- 1 Under, of course, the interpretation mapping among entities in the abstract and in the concrete architectures.

This is because, in most cases, the only common components will be the application ones. In addition, for the cases where the middleware architectures have no common components, Moriconi et al. However, it is not at all obvious which components from the dif- ferent architectures we should link together.

Additionally, even if we find two components to link together, now the result will have a similar form with the serial composition shown in Figure II. In fact, the problem is still present when both archi- tectures have common components. The reason is that Moriconi et al. So, if one of the architectures has two instances of a component, which also exists in the other, we cannot know which of these should be considered as being the same.

In these, features represent the various services provided. These services are supposed to be independent and transparent to each other when turned off. Thus, in principle, they are used to form telephone systems by being con- nected serially in a pipe-and-filter style, where features, when turned on, act as filters.

However, in practice there are many factors that lead to cases where fea- tures interact in undesired ways, despite the simple architectural style used to compose them. The main cause of these undesired feature interactions is the continual and incremental expansion of the services that happens in the tele- phone systems.

As Zave and Jackson state in [], one particular reason for which features interact in undesired ways is due to the gradual transformation of telephone systems from circuit-switched voice oriented to packet-switched data oriented systems. Before, most of them were built into the core network and accessed by dumb and highly standardised terminals, i. Nowadays, however, more and more of them are supposed to be provided by a rich variety of intelligent terminals, i. This change in technology has implications on the way features are designed and implemented and in- troduces a conceptual gap in the way that features are specified, constructed and used.

However, automatic composition of features, in a way that a set of condi- tions holds, is something that seems unrealistic for a number of reasons, even though they are used with such a simple architectural style as pipe-and-filter. First, there are many cases where the interactions of the features are desired or even intentional. For example, it is not uncommon in the telephone domain to implement a new exception to some feature by constructing a new feature that will interact with the old feature to provide support for the new excep- tional case, through their interaction.

This is due to the fact that telephone systems are extremely complex and their com- plete formal specification is extremely difficult. Additionally, telephone systems keep evolving, moving from two-way voice transmission to provision of mail or browsing. This fact makes it impossible to guess the future needs and make a provision for them in the current set of requirements and assertions.

That is why Zave proposes an iterative method of constructing such systems. Using this method, engineers will first construct features without considering their possible interactions. Afterwards, they will identify all the interactions due to their composition and classify them into desired and undesired ones, itself a non-obvious task.

Finally, she proposes that they should try to rewrite the specifications of the features, until these interact in only the desirable ways. To show why classification of interactions into desired and undesired ones is a non-obvious task, we use an example given by Zave in []. There, Zave presents a number of different scenarios with respect to call-forwarding, which show how difficult it is to say what is the correct behaviour of a system.

One such scenario is the case where a telephone number t1 is forwarded to another one t2 , and t2 is forwarded to t3. Then the question that arises is, should a call to t1 be routed to t2 or to t3? Zave sees two cases: in the first one she considers what she calls a follow me situation, i. Then she considers what she calls a delegate situation, i.

Then she says that the call should be routed to t2 , if it is a follow me situation, and to t3 , if it is a delegate one. On the other hand, in the delegate situation, the person who has been delegated to answer calls at t2 has himself asked forwarding of calls to another telephone number t3 , so the call should be routed to that final number, i.

Of course, we can easily imagine a follow me situation where the forwarder first goes to where t2 is and then decides to go to where t3 is, in which case the call should again be routed to t3. This shows exactly how difficult it is to describe what the correct behaviour of a real system is. The particularities of telephone systems are not the only reasons for which the DFC framework proposed by Zave cannot be used for middleware com- position.

The most important reason that makes it difficult to use is the fact that problems arising from undesired feature interaction are supposed to be solved by the architects through rewriting of the specifications. So the diffi- culty of obtaining multiple candidate compositions, from which we can choose the most suitable for the system we are developing, remains. In the case of middleware architectures, however, we can hope to do better than with telephone systems, because middleware are not as complicated.

This is because telephone systems are effectively connectors for real people and have to cover all the possible interactions that real people may wish to engage into. On the other hand, middleware architectures describe connectors that are used for connecting computer systems.

This means that it is a lot easier to cover all the possible cases of interaction and to classify these into correct, i.

This is why the software architecture community has identified the need for different architectural views [57, 89, , , ], each one of which de- scribes the system from a particular viewpoint that addresses the needs and interests of a specific group of stake-holders.

According to this model, an architecture consists of five different views: the enterprise, the information, the computational, the engineering and the technology view.

The engineering view describes the infrastruc- ture required to support distribution in the system and, finally, the technology view establishes the particular choices of technology made for the implemen- tation. In this methodology, the architecture is divided into four different views of the system, i.

Of these, the logical view describes the object-oriented class-diagrams of the sys- tem. The process view describes the different processes and how these interact, thus capturing the concurrency and synchronisation aspects of the system, while the physical view describes the mapping among the various software and hardware entities, capturing the distribution aspects of the design. Finally, the development view deals with the organisation of the software in the develop- ment environment.

In it, one can also see the stake-holders who are interested in, and should be involved in, the devel- opment of each one of the views, as well as particular aspects of the system that are addressed by each of the views.

The major problem of any multiple architectural views methodology is how to enforce inter-view consistency. The informal nature of use-case scenarios, plus the fact that we can never be certain that we have covered all possible scenar- ios, makes it difficult to ascertain that views are consistent with each other.

As a matter of fact, even intra-view consistency is not always possible to check, since views are usually expressed with non-formal notations that do not easily render themselves to formal reasoning mechanisms. Indeed, Fradet et al. One simple example they give to point out the problem with class diagrams, as these are used in Uml for the logical view, is shown in Figure III. In Figure III.

For example, in Figure III. Even though this kind of diagrams seems to be quite formal, Fradet et al. Again from [62], they provide two different instance graphs that are valid instances of the diagram of Figure III.

These two instance graphs are shown in Figure III. So we see that even intra-view consistency is difficult to attain in the setting of Uml, not to mention inter-view consistency. In the following, we examine further work that has been done on inconsistent views. Given that some of the concepts dealt with by some viewpoints may be shared, then it must be the case that they are described consistently in all the views. What makes the problem even more difficult, however, is that sometimes inconsistency of views is advantageous.

In this case, incon- sistency may sometimes be needed to allow for a more natural development process. In order to handle inconsistencies, interferences and conflicts that arise during such a development process, they propose a development frame- work and system, where people provide logical rules specifying how the system should behave in the presence of inconsistencies.

A problem that had to be solved first, in order for such systems to work, is the logical principle that anything follows from contradictory premises, i.

Clas- sical logic, intuitionistic logic, and most other standard logics are explosive. On the other hand, a logic is said to be paraconsistent [] if, and only if, its relation of logical consequence is not explosive. Therefore, the aforemen- tioned multiple view development framework and system was based on such a paraconsistent logic, called quasi-classical logic [18, 85]. Thus inconsistencies are tolerated and are simply used to trigger further user-defined actions.

Another attempt at easing the use of different views for designs is the work undertaken in the Systems Level Design Language SLDL community [] which is designing the Rosetta language. The Rosetta language is used to investigate how to better model embedded systems.

In order to analyse such systems, one has to use a number of different formalisms. This is because parts of such a system should be described using a discrete model, while others need a continuous model to express their properties, e.

Instead of creating some formalism that tries to solve all the particularities of the different semantic domains and methods, they investigate how one can use different formalisms and models. Alexander [5] suggests that doing so is possible and, indeed, advantageous, since domain experts can continue using the formalisms they have been used to and obtain feedback in a formalism that is more natural to them.

In order for the analyses of a system to be complete, he suggests to identify the cases where an event in one semantic domain interferes with the other domains used to describe the system. In this way, mappings can be developed from one semantic domain into another, such as the one presented in [5], for mapping the interactions between logic and state-based semantics. A similar approach is taken in [] where the authors use Z along with automata and grammars to specify a system.

Finally, we should mention the work of Issarny et al. Their work is a precursor to the work described herein; as a matter of fact, the aforementioned authors themselves have provided valuable help later on with the formulation of the ideas we are presenting in this document.

Even though composition of views and view inconsistencies may at first seem useful for our pursuit, there are a number of basic differences. Additionally, when composing middleware architectures we have to assume that these are correct. Otherwise, it would be too difficult to automatically construct correct composite middleware and even more so to construct multiple candidate middleware architectures.

Therefore, the work on multiple views and inter and intra inconsistency is rather orthogonal and complementary to the problem of middleware composition. There, the authors examine the quite common production of software designs by combining and elaborating existing architectural design fragments. In order to be able to describe such fragments they classify architectural elements into two types: placeholders i.


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