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Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Opt-out at any time. Alexander Svet Alexander Svet — Professional photographer and photography instructor. The masks created with the Luma Range tool are dynamic and can easily be tweaked and modified at any point in the workflow. Unlike a hand-drawn mask, Luma Range adjustments can be applied from one image to another, and the effect will be based on the luminance of each image.
This functionality is a huge time- saver as it eliminates the need to create precision masks for each frame in a shoot. The new Luma Range selection masks open up an incredible range of editing possibilities, from selective noise reduction to precise color grading. Linear Gradient Mask Capture One 12 takes gradient masks to the next level, allowing for editable, moveable, rotatable—and best of all—asymmetric gradient masks. Using a brand- new Parametric Masking Engine, Capture One allows for adjustments in the size, shape, and symmetry of the masks with simple mouse clicks and key presses, truly redefining the possibilities of linear gradients in Capture One.
Rotate, feather and adjust a mask with a precision never before possible. Radial Gradient Mask The new Radial Gradient mask tool enables quick, flexible radial masks, useful for vignette and other adjustments with a desired falloff effect. Using the same Parametric Masking Engine as the Linear Gradient mask tool, radial masks can be adjusted, rotated and moved after creation for extreme control over desired effects.
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